Bad Friends

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Olivia smoothed down her dress, as she stood beside Cristiano, she had agreed to attend Rooney's house party with him. Cristiano wanted  Olivia to meet his teammates, he would introduce her as a friend just now, but he had made it clear that would be changing soon. 

Olivia and Cristiano had been dating for a couple of months now, and while it was going good Olivia was still a little reluctant to go public, but Cristiano was getting a little frustrated he wanted everyone to know about them. Olivia wanted a few more weeks and then they could tell everyone.

" You look Beautiful Oli, stop worrying" Cristiano said quietly, as they stood on Wayne's and Coleens doorstep waiting for them to open the door. He saw how nervous Olivia was but there no need to be Wayne and Coleen were the most welcoming people you could meet. 

Olivia smiled at Cristiano " You don't look too bad yourself" she said, glancing at his appearance, he was wearing black jeans and a horrible white shirt he seemed to like so much, that she didn't have the heart to tell him it was awful. 

" Are you ready?" Cristiano asked, as the heard someone behind the door. 

Olivia nodded her head " Lets do this" she said, as Cristiano gave her a reassuring smile before the door slowly opened. 


" Ronnie you made it" Wayne grinned as he hugged his teammate, he spared a quick look at Olivia " You must be Olivia" he added, stepping aside to let the couple into his house. 

Olivia smiled shyly at Wayne " That is me" she replied, a little uncomfortable with the way Wayne was staring at her, she edged a little closer to Cristiano, who sensed her discomfort and wrapped his around her waist and pulled her closer to his body. 

" Relax" he whispered into her ear, as they followed Wayne through the house, Cristiano stopped a few times to say hi to people he knew. 

Wayne glanced at Olivia " Are you guys together?" he asked, surprised that Cristiano had brought a girl to one of his parties. 

" Nah, she is my friend from back home" Cristano answered for Olivia. 

Wayne smirked a little " Anderson will be pleased to hear that, he has a couple of girls with him tonight, one is for you apparently" he said, looking right at Olivia. 

Olivia stiffened slightly at the mention of a girl for Cristiano she was starting to wish she hadn't come tonight. 

" I am not here to hook up tonight Roo" Cristiano said, giving Olivia's hand a little squeeze. 

Wayne looked shocked " Wow Ronnie not hooking up well there is a first time for everything I suppose" he said, as they approached the rest of the team. 

Wayne offered to get them a drink, Olivia declined but Cristiano accepted and followed Wayne over to the bar, leaving Olivia alone with a bunch of curious wags. 


" You must be Olivia" a female voice said to her right, Olivia looked around and smiled as she recognized Wayne's girlfriend " That is me, you must be Coleen" she replied, taking a step closer to Coleen. 

Coleen smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes " Yeah I am Coleen have you met Wayne yet?" she asked, as they stepped away from the rest of the wags. 

" Yeah I met him, he was he one that let us in" Olivia replied, as she  followed Coleen outside to the garden. 

Coleen stared curiously at Olivia " So are you and Cristiano a couple?" Coleen asked, she was curious, Cristiano had never brought a girl to one of their parties before. 

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