A Glimmer Of Hope

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Olivia groaned loudly as she felt someone shake her awake, she rolled onto her side pulling her pillow over her head, wanting to go back to sleep. She opened her eyes slowly as she was pushed again, Kate was standing over her and she didn't look to happy. Olivia glanced her clock and sighed, it was a little after nine and she had no classes today. 

" Why have you woken me up so early?" she mumbled into her pillow, wanting more sleep. 

Katie pulled the pillow away from Olivia " You have a visitor" she replied her voice sounding oddly flat. 

Olivia frowned she didn't know many people in other than Kate and Amelia in New York those two were the only people she had spent any time with. 

" Are you sure its for me?" she asked, kicking her covers away from her body. 

Kate smiled coldly at Olivia Well Cristiano Ronaldo is not standing in the other room for me or Amelia" she replied sarcastically, she was a little annoyed that Olivia hadn't say anything about known the footballer. 

Olivia heart jumped at the mention of her ex, she wondered what Cristiano wanted, they hadn't spoken much in three months, while she had been busy with classes, he had been busy partying with a lots of different girls over the summer. She saw pictures of Cristiano with Irina occasionally and while it still hurt it wasn't so bad now, she had learned to focus on her classes instead of thinking about Cristiano. 

" Tell him I will be out in five minutes" Olivia replied, as she quickly got of bed, she changed into a hoodie and leggings, pushing aside an old shirt of his that she had taken with her when she had left Manchester. 

" Fine but hurry" Kate snapped at Olivia asked she walked out the room, Olivia sighed a little she would talk to Kate later about Cristiano she could understand why she was angry about being lied to for months. 


Olivia forced  smile on her face as she walked to the room where Cristiano was waiting for her, she peeked in and saw he was playing with his phone, he looked amazing as always, she smiled at him then quickly frowned she wasn't supposed to be happy to see him. Brushing her hand nervously through her hair, she walked into the room and closed the door, her flatmates didn't need to hear this particular conversation. 

Cristiano looked up from his phone, his brown eyes took in Olivia, she had changed in five months, her hair was different much shorter now, she had lost weight again, she didn't look to happy to see him he noted. It was only five months since he had last saw her but it felt like a different life time. So many things had changed in such a short time. 

" So what do I owe this pleasure too" Olivia smiled sarcastically, she was still angry with Cristiano, even more so when she found out he had been in New York not that long partying with Paris Hilton and he didn't even think to come and see how she was. 

Cristiano stared at Olivia " I have come to talk" he said, eyeing her a little warily, she had that look in her eyes, the look that she used on people she couldn't stand. Clearly his wife hated him and he didn't really blame her. 

" What could we possibly talk about, I thought our Lawyers were doing all our talking" Olivia huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

Cristiano sighed a little as he rubbed the back of his neck " The thing is I don't want them to talk for us, i want to sort things out with you" he replied. 

" After almost five months of you sleeping around you now want to talk to me" she yelled angrily at him. 

Cristiano frowned at Olivia he didn't know where she got her information from but it was wrong " I thought you wanted space" he replied. 

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