Angelic smile

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She was sitting on a bench outside her school, sobbing from the pain weighing her body, blood streaming down her nose and dropping onto her black jeans. Everybody had went home because school end for about 1 hour ago, she didn't want to go home. No one except her cat was there, the house was empty. Her parents live in another country because of their jobs, leaving her here alone. 

Her head started to become dizzy, maybe she's losing too much blood? "Is this how I'll die?" she thought, a small smile appeared on her face. Then she heard footsteps fluttering around her ears, she wondered who that is. Her eyes closing slowly but a voice sprung her out of her head and wook her up. 

"What? W-who are you??" She growled at the tight grip on her arms, blood sliding into her mouth. It tastes quite nice (I know, I'm gross)

"What's wrong with you?? Why are you bleeding so much??" The voice became louder, it's a male voice. 

"G-Get off me!" She struggled, trying to get out but he's too strong. 

"Where's your home, I'll take you there." He said, his tone was serious but you can feel a bit of sweetness in there. 

"Then what? You're going to beat me up like the others do??" She stared at him straight in the eyes, tears started running down her cheeks. 

"No..I won't do that." His gripped started to get weaker, she could escaped anytime, but her legs are too weak to even stand up. 

"You're lying." She held up her shaking hand, wiping some of the blood off but ended up smearing it all over her cheeks. 

"I'm not." 

He took out a piece of tissue and wiped her bloody nose, letting out a small sigh. Finally, she stopped bleeding. 

"Will you let me bring you home now?" She hesitated a bit, but she nodded, biting her burning lip. 

He held out his hand, she denied it. But she soon grabbed it anyway, her legs were hurted really bad from all the hitting and kicking she got this morning. They walked to the the school's parking lot and headed to a light blue vintage car. 

"Nice style

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"Nice style." She whispered, grabbing his hand a little bit tighter so she won't fall. 

"Thank you." He chuckled, opening the door for her at the passenger seat (next to the driver) and helped her in. 

He closed the door for her and make his way to the driver seat, a delightful sense of peach flown through his nose when he got in. Turning on the car and drove it out the school's parking. 

"I'm Ethan by the way, Ethan Smith."

"S-Scarlet, Scarlet Anderson." 

"That's a pretty name." His eyes looked back to the cracked phone from her's for direction. 

A slight blush brushed down her cheeks, no one have ever said that before. She can feel butterflies growing inside her, it've been a very long time since the last time she felt butterflies squirling around in her stomach. 

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