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"God I'm exhausted!" Andy groaned in the back seat, throwing his head back while squeezing his forehead tightly.
"We're all exhausted, so stop complaining." Jessy groaned back, mushing her face into Jackie's neck.
Scarlet and Ethan didn't say anything the whole drive, all they do is just smiling.
It was 2 in the morning when they finally got back to the blue boy's house, both collapsing on his bed.
"Stop that." He said, moving closer to her.
"Stop what?" She asked back.
"Being so fucking beautiful." The words made her smile, looking into the boy's gunmetal eyes.
"Sorry." Scarlet smiled back, sitting up to take off her floral dress.
"It's okay, I love it."
He watched the girl undress then lay back down, wearing one of his clean shirt that was left laying on the floor.
"Are you going to sleep in that or what?" She mumbles, tugging onto the pillowcase.
He paused for a bit before getting up, groaning a bit because his back was aching. The tuxedo came off, including his boxers, feeling eyes running up and down his naked body.
Flopping back down onto the soft mattress with only a fresh pair of underwear, wrapping his arms around the sleepy girl.
"Tonight was amazing." Ethan whispered "Thank you."
"You're welcome." She whispered back before falling into the most wonderful dream in her life.
-morning time-
The sound of music echoed up from the kitchen, it was "Take My Hand" by Glimmer of blooms.
He walked downstairs, rubbing his eyes as a tired yawn came out. Smells of 9pm coffee and cigarettes flew up his nostrils, it was uncomfortable but nice at the same time.
"When did you started smoking?" Ethan asked, holding the warm cup of "dirt water" that was handed to him, smudges of last night's lipstick were painted on the edge of it, where his lips usually touched if he's using it.
"A couple months ago." A thick cloud of smoke flew out of her throat, legs swinging over the kitchen counter.
The coffee tasted amazing, not too sweet, not too much milk. "You're like a coffee machine!" The words shocked up her spine just right after she shut the cigarette.
Scarlet jumped off the counter, giving him a cold face before walking upstairs again. "Fucking christ." He groaned, following the girl to his room. She was sitting on the floor, earphones plugged into her ears as music was being played loudly.
The blue hair boy sat down in front of her, but he didn't say anything, he just pulled out his phone and start calling her.
She didn't pick up at first, but she had to because the buzzing annoyed her.
"I'm sorry."
"Coffee machine don't have feelings so hang up."
"Nuh uh, not until you accept my apology."
"Why do I have to?"
"Full details or just short version?"
"Full details."
He took a deep breath, looking into the girl's mocha eyes a soft smile spread on his face, which melted her instantly.
"Because, when I first met you, you were sitting there with blood streaming down your nose, but you still look very beautiful. And when I got to hear your voice, it was the sweetest thing that ever slipped into my ears. When I got to feel your lips on mine, I know exactly at that moment, that I'll be in love with you so fucking bad and I swear to myself that I won't let anyone hurt you, even me. Baby, you're the greatest person that ever step in my life, messing everything up beautifully. I know you hate cheesy shit, but seeing you getting mad just from some stupid words that I makes me feel like I'm not doing my best. Princess, darling, I may not be the greatest person that has stepped into your life, I may not have the sweetest voice that slipped into your ears, but.."
"I love you."
She was smiling, it was amazing.
"I love you too."
They hugged tightly, Ethan tried to hold back his tears, feeling her breath against his neck.
"Apology accepted."
"Thank you."
This is short!
Sorry :^(

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