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Today is graduation, Ethan was standing in front of the mirror, fixing his blue curls for the thousand times just in one morning. 

"Baby, you look amazing, don't worry." The girl comforts him, smoothing her shirt out. 

He nods, biting his lip tightly. His parents will be there and this is the first time that they'll get to meet his girlfriend. 

"I hope they'll like me." Scarlet sighs, settling herself inside the light blue vehicle before they arrived at the familiar school. 

Hands squeezing tightly at each other, lungs filling with different fears, feet walking down the school's hallway.

"Who is this lovely girl Ethan?" The woman said, adoring the beautiness coming from the white hair girl. 

"Erm, she's Scarlet. My girlfriend." He replied, feeling stuck at half of his throat. 

"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Smith!" She smiled brightly, holding a hand out as the mid 50 looking man shakes it delightfully. 

"Oh please, just call us Kelly and Matthew." The woman sat down to her seat, next to her husband and Scarlet. "Very nice taste in fashion by the way." 

The whole time, the three spent their time getting to know each other a lot more. Then, Ethan's name comes up, clappings can be heard loudly, gunmetal eyes focusing on the petite girl, smiling beautiful with heart-shaped hands.

"I'm actually planning on marrying her this afternoon." Their eyes widened, jaws dropping straight to the dirty floor. 

"But we still haven't prepare anything yet!?" Kelly said loudly, drawing a bit of attention to them that quickly got peeled off. 

"It's okay mom, we'll just do it 'Vegas style'." The boy chuckled, kissing his soulmate's hair softly and leave his head on hers. 

"Will Andy be there?" Matthew earned a nod from his son, feeling a lot more relief. "Tell him to record everything so we can witness it, okay?" 

"Okay dad." 

The couple came back to her house, carrying boxes of stuff, well mostly clothes from the boy's old place. Bodies flopping back onto the white mattress, lips connected again. 

"I bought the rings already."   Tongues start to mess around with each other, clothes stripping down their skin as the girl sat onto his lap, pulling him up. 

Moans dripping out of each other mouth, fingers sunking into the girl's waist roughly as hickeys getting smudged on her collarbone. Foreheads pressing against each other tightly as Ethan slowly slipping his prebbed member in, heartbeats start to run faster and faster. 

"Oh my god baby!" Redlines filling up the boy's back, sounds of skins slamming against each other fluttering around their ears, pleasures running up and down their veins. 

She came, pinning her uncut nails deep into his flesh, sparks of blood sticking on her fingers. A thick white ribbon shoot out of him between the emty spaces of their stomachs right after he pulled out, mouths still tasting the others. 

"Let's go get marry now." Ethan smiled, breathing heavily as air coming in and out his lungs. 

"Maybe 2 more hours of not becoming a wife, please?" Scarlet faked a pout, rubbing their nose tips a bit.

"Anything for you princess." 


 Two more chapter until the story is finish. Really really really thank you for every single one of you guys for reading this stupid thing, so much love for all of you. 

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