Sparkling eyes

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Ethan moved his body a little bit, peeking his eyes into the bathroom. Skin, bruises, fluttering red color were everything that he saw. A slight heated blush burned down his freckled cheeks, he tried to look away but failed. Then she turned around, grabbing the bottle of shampoo, her lips were badly damaged, you can see some blood blooming through the skin.
"You're sick, Ethan!" He whispered to himself, quickly looking to the other direction.
His face was painted in a rosy color, his body was warm from the burn, heart beating faster than before. Then the water stopped, he inhaled a deep breath and exhaled slowly, getting all his thoughts together and brushing away the blushes on his face.
She walked out, towel wrapped around her body. But it's quite useless because it's just long enough to cover the "boy's heaven" part and a bit of her thighs.
"I'm sorry if it took too long." Her dark mocha eyes looked at him, sweetly.
"It wasn't.." He mumbled.
Scarlet walked over to the closet, opening it and took a look around, thinking of what to wear. Finally, she picked out a simple white shirt with a cat's face printed on it and panties that's long enough to cover her butt. Scarlet found that sleeping with shorts or pants are quite uncomfortable so she went with underwear. Of course she knew that wearing this will definitely show all of her flaws but she didn't care, he saw her bleeding earlier anyway.
"Don't look." She looked over her shoulder, making sure that Ethan turned away then let her towel fell down to the ground.
But you know the boys, they never really looked away so our sweet little Ethan, turning his head a bit.  And right into his blue pupils was a thin body, really really thin. You can see some of the bones printed on the pale skin. Bruises and fresh cuts were placed almost on every inches of her body. But still, she looks so beautiful and delicate. "The back of an angel" he whispered to himself. She didn't hear it, thanks god she didn't. The shirt slipped onto her skin softly, it looks nice on her. And the panties was next, Ethan was fighting against the thought of looking away but then he didn't "You're going to hell, Ethan." A small smile forming on his face, he's not regretting anything, at all.
His gunmetal eyes sticked to her movements, he was not thinking anything dirty, all he wanted was seeing her hands sliding up her bruised thighs. His lip was caught between his teeth, and at this point, you'll probably think he's getting turn on. Well think again, cause he's not.
Scarlet turned around, before Ethan could say or do anything, she smiled. The beautiful angelic smile that would kill a thousand people, no matter if they're a boy or a girl.
"I knew that was useless." She chuckled, picking up the towel and threw it into the closet, closing the door gently.
"Sorry.." Ethan said in guilt, but he he knew it was worth it.
"It's okay, I don't mind that." She walked back into the bathroom, then walked back with a bunch of band-aids and a big bottle of rubbing alcohol.
Putting everything on the floor, she flopped down in front of him and started to apply the alcohol on her cuts. Small hissed can be heard everytime she tapped the liquid onto her skin with cotton.
"D-do you need h-help?" Ethan said worriedly, gribbing onto his skinny jeans tightly.
"Maybe...Yea, I do."
He slid down from the comfortable bed, landing his butt onto the cool floor before taking the piece of cotton from Scarlet's hand and gently tapping it on her skin. Her teeth pressing into her bottom lip, the way he did it was a lot less painful then her.
"Thank you, again." She whispered.
"You're welcome." He smiled and gently pressed his lips onto her hand, making her blush furiously.
"W-what was t-that for?" Scarlet gulped thickly, trying to calm herself down.
"I don't know, I just really like kissing hands. Especially when they have boo-boos." Ethan chuckled, keep on applying the rubbing alcohol on her skin, gently.
She nodded softly, smiling at the childish name he gave for bruises and cuts.
"All done with the arms, anywhere else you need me to help?" He looked up into her sparkling brown eyes, taking a new piece of cotton out and put some rubbing alcohol on it.
"Can you help me with my legs and back?" She asked softly as he nodded and applied the liquid onto her thighs.
She whimpered a bit, looking at the fading blue hair boy, watching all of his movements.
"How did you get all of these?" He looked up at her, worried filling his pupils.
"I-I got beat up in school..they all hate me.." She sighed, sticking some band-aids onto her arms.
"What? Why??" Ethan eyes widened a bit but he's still applying the rubbing alcohol down her legs.
"I don't know..maybe it's because I'm a freak and I don't have any friends..and I'm always quiet.." At this time, tears started to filled up Scarlet's eyes but she managed to hold them back, trying her best to not cry.
"I'll be your friend..and I'll sit with you everyday at lunch..and I'll protect you from those people!" He said, trying to comfort her.
"It's okay..You don't need to be so good to me." Her eyes looked over to the window that had been covered by pink curtains, she closed them slowly.
Then, a warm feeling filled up her left cheek, she looked back at Ethan. His hand was cupping her cheek, thumb rubbing softly on her blue and purple bruise.
He leaned closer to her, pressing his lips onto her forehead softly.
"I want to do it, and I care for you." He whispered into her pale skin and pulled back a bit, looking her straight in the eyes.
She smiled beautifully at his words and pressed a small kiss onto his cheek as a thank you.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow, is that okay?" Ethan asked, sticking band-aids onto her legs.
"Yes, thank you." She grinned, peeking a bit of her teeth between the rosy color lips.
As he finished sticking the last band-aid onto her right leg, Scarlet turned around and took off her shirt, holding it close to her chest. He blushed a bit at the vision in front of him. Her back was badly damaged, if it was him, he would probably ended up in a hospital or something, but she didn't. She was strong, there was no sign of self harm on her arms and legs, she didn't want to be hurt...
The rubbing alcohol was quite cold so when it touched her skin, her body shivered a bit.
"You're a strong girl, cause these are pretty damn bad." He touched the cuts softly with his other hand, trying his best to not hurting her.
She hissed a bit when he swiped a line of the liquid onto her back, squeezing the shirt tightly. The pain faded away slowly, and she felt his lips were pressed against at the center of her back. "I'm sorry" words mumbling between his lips, she smiled softly at the gentle sound and signaled him to continue.
Ethan finally finished with sticking the last piece of band-aid onto Scarlet's back. She let out a sigh and put on her shirt again.
"I think you should go home, it's already 8pm."
"Yea, but can I have your number before I leave?" He asked, pulling his phone out and typing her number.

Ethan: Please send me some pictures of your cat. 

Scarlet: I will.

He put his phone back into his pocket and they walked downstairs, heading back to the front door. She opened it, leaning against the wall as Ethan walked out. He turned around and pressed his forehead onto the shorter girl's, smiling softly.
"Goodnight, Scarlet."
"Goodnight, Ethan."

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