Cold beer

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"Aren't we too young for that?" Scarlet asked, biting her index finger lightly.
"Yea, I know. Just saying that I want to." He smiled, adoring the girl's cuteness.
"But you'll soon go to college and maybe find someone else."
"But I'll move in with you, remember?" She nodded, biting the finger harder as bad thoughts started to fill up her little mind.
The two had decided that Ethan will move in with her and leave his house for Andy, because he doesn't want to live in his broken house family anymore.
"It's just.."
"What if one day you'll come back with..hickeys on your neck and lipstick on your lips?"
He paused for a bit, thinking about what just came out of the girl's mouth. Anything can happen in any times, even if you want it or not.
"Well..I.." Nothing came to his mind, maybe saying that was too early, maybe he's still too young to really take control in things right now.
"But no matter what.." The blue hair boy looked up, seeing the younger girl wiping some tears away before she continued "Just know that I love you." (Oh wow, this is kinda sad.)
They sat there in the bathtub for 10 more minutes before deciding to get out and get ready for their "friendship trip". Ethan still didn't say anything yet, he just gave her passionate kiss and helped her carry the drinks out, putting them under the backseats. Andy was already settled himself in the car, a bottle of beer in his hand which none of them know where does it come from.
The blue hair boy drove them to Jessy house, Jackie was already standing at the door, holding a basket full of food that she prepared earlier. A cherry lollipop was being pushed side to side by her tongue as the brown hair girl ran out and they got into the light blue vehicle.
"Do you have anymore lollipop?" Scarlet asked, looking over her shoulder as the black hair girl pulled out a fresh stick of bright red candy, handing it to the white hair girl.
White teeth biting onto the sweet candy, sunglasses covering part of her flushy cheeks. God, he wished he was that lollipop.
The trip was actually a lot better than what Ethan thought, well of course he knew that it will be good, but everything was a lot more fun and Scarlet seemed to feel the same too, and that's enough for him.
After dropping the girls back to their house and Andy to Ethan's house cause he said he wanted to get used to the environment their, the couple finally got sometime to be alone.
"Hey..about earlier in the bathtub.." The blue hair boy said, looking at the smaller girl as she sat down onto the comfortable couch.
"I love you too." He said, putting his keys on the kitchen counter.
There was no response, except sounds of stairs creaking and door shutting as the girl quickly ran upstairs. Ethan sighed, taking a sip of his cold beer and dropped himself onto the wooden floor. He decided to not follow her because he's also crying right now.
Half an hour passed, the bottle is empty he had stopped crying, nose sniffling as he heard footsteps coming from the stairs. "E-Ethan?"
The boy jumped up immediately, putting the glass bottle onto the counter as a bit of white hair peeked out at the end of the stairs.
"Are you okay??" Her eyes were all red and still very wet, hands tugging onto one of his hoodie that she borrowed.
"I'm fine..I guess.." Ethan hugged the girl tightly, trying to hold back his tears as he felt her arms wrapped around his waist softly. "Sorry.." Scarlet whispered.
"I'm the one who's supposed to be say sorry right now." He kissed her head gently, lifting the girl's face up and connected their lips together. "I love you." Their forehead pressed against each other, eyes adoring the beautifulness in their pupils, smiles spread on their faces.
"I love you too."
Any Rick and Morty fan????

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