Happily ever after.

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"I'm home sweetie!" Ethan said loudly right after entering the cozy house, baby sounds can be heard as a petite woman walked out from the kitchen, carrying a lovely little boy on her arms. 

He kissed her softly, taking the little child from her and started to play with him, still wearing his handsome suit. 

After graduating college, Scarlet became a famous architecture as Ethan became a CEO for one of his dad's companies. They had one child, which is enough for them because of the amount  of works the two have everyday. And his name is Ryan, Ryan Smith. 

"Still not regret marrying you." The older man smiled, holding some flushy toys in his hands.

They've been married for 5 years now, since they decided to do it a bit too soon. Even though they do fight sometimes, but their love for each other are still as passionate as the day their hearts started to fall for the others.  

He sat there, eating his dinner, watching at the white hair woman feeding their child as careful as she can. They're both getting older and older everyday, but in his eyes, she's still the most beautiful girl that he has ever lay his soul onto. 

"How was work today, honey?" Scarlet asked, wiping the baby's mouth before putting his little bowl into the kitchen.

"It was great actually. A couple girls hitting on me, giving me their numbers." The man smirked, teeth still chewing on his food. "I mean, I look kinda good, working out a lot and I'm only 27."

"They must be really pretty with 500ml of funky perfumes spray on their body, right?" She said with sarcastic voice, leaning close to him over the counter. "And make up caked on their faces too." 

"So they don't know that you're married and already have a child?" Ryan got picked up from his eating chair, getting some pats on the back to make him burp.

"They do actually, but you know those kind of girls." He chuckled, washing his dish and the baby's bowl. 

"But still, after 5 long years, you're the prettiest girl that I've ever met and I'll never stop loving you." Hands wrapped around the woman's waist, forehead pressing agaisnt each other softly as the familiar angelic smile spread on her face, showing some little wrinkles on the pale skin. 

Putting Ryan to bed was Ethan's favorite part of having a child, because that's when he got to lean agaisnt the baby's room door, enjoying his wife's amazing singing voice and watch her in silence. 

Laying on their bed, both feeling quite exhausted as music running through the shared earphones to their ears. It was "Perfect Places" by Lorde, Scarlet's most favorite singer of all time. 

"Do you really not regret marrying me?" She asked, lacing her hand into his as they both stared at the pastel peach color painted ceiling. 

"Not a single second of it, how about you?" 


The man smiled, kissing his wife softly as he slowly get on top her. Hands running up the woman's body, pushing her shirt up and up everytime they moved. Lips slide down to her neck, leaving purple and red marks on the clean skin.

"Please don't wake up Ryan." He prayed in his head, pulling off Scarlet's panties. 

But they were cut off by a loud sound of crying, making the two both groaned. 

"ALL I WANT TO DO IS TO FUCK YOUR MOM, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR???" Ethan shouted, walking off her as Scarlet got up from comfortable mattress. 

"Jeez dude, we'll do it after I put him to sleep again." Scarlet giggled, carrying herself to the baby's room where the little boy was crying, begging for his mom as much as his dad is too. 

Struggles may come sometime, but they always have each other's back. Now, Ryan is successful writer with a lot of world's famous books, a happy marriage life and two kids. 

"Still not regret marrying you." The man says, sitting on one of his wooden chair, grey hair mixing up with some last parts where black hair still grow as he took a sip on his morning tea. 

The woman smiles, settling herself down next to him and lace their hands together, giving his a light squeeze. They are both in their mid 60 now, wrinkles are a lot more visible, but they're still as beautiful as the first time their eyes lay on each other. 

"I love you, Ethan." Rings shining under the 8am sunlight as she lays her head on her husband's shoulder. 

"I love you too, Scarlet." 

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