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p.s a short chapter.


"He is gone, Zero." Emiko assured him as she approached the spot next to him and seated herself on his bed.  She watched his balled fists tightening on his lap as he looked at her from his peripheral vision.

"Who was he?" He questioned her lowly, his face glowering.

Emiko sighed, not knowing if she should answer him or not.

"His name is Kaname Kuran, someone I have known since I opened my eyes to see this world."

Zero's lilac widened before he grimaced when he heard his surname. The name Kuran reminded him that they were one of the strongest remaining Purebloods. "A relative? But you look nothing alike."

Emiko looked down at her lap and shook her head before looking up at him painfully, "That is true, we don't look alike. As far as my knowledge goes, I don't suppose we are related by blood but I could be wrong. I was found on the doorstep of the Kurans and all I know is that one of my parent is a Pureblood and the other an Aristocrat which can explain the defects of my powers. In other words, I can only use my powers for a short amount of time before it drains my energy."

"Have you tried asking that shaggy-haired old guy? For the identities of your parents, I mean."

Emiko laughed at Kaname's nickname but eventually quietened down and she looked up at the ceiling. "He won't utter a word about it, what a stubborn person. It doesn't matter now, my kin left me because they didn't want me anymore, what more could I have known?"

"But--" Emiko placed a finger to Zero's lips, hushing him up. Realising what she was doing, he became flustered and tsked, looking away. She stood from the bed, grabbing him by the wrist as she pulled him from the bed. He became surprised by this gesture as he was led out of his room.

"Enough of this, we really should go down to eat now." Smiling gently she left him no room to ask anything else. He understood. He knew he shouldn't pry into her business but he couldn't help it. He wanted to know more and more of her, he was just a little curious, that's all, but it seems that she didn't want him to ask her anymore, like she wanted to keep him in the dark for good, but why?

He stared at the young female's back as she pulled him. Some things made him wonder. What was her past like? How did she get under Kaien's care?

Then suddenly an image of her saddened smile only a day or two ago when he raged at her for knowing nothing. She looked extremely hurt though he didn't think it was because he yelled at her but some other reason that he couldn't interpret well enough.

He sighed. That saddened smile made him uncomfortable, it was painful for him to see. It through knives into his chest and stabbed him repetitively. Never again would he let her make that face. Never again.

"There you are, Zero. I was about to get you but I guess Emiko has done that for me." Grinned Kaien as he placed a four bowls on the table as Yuki helped by placing cutlery next to it.

Zero nodded in response and silently took a seat at the table while Yuki took the other side and Emiko next to her. Kaien seated himself next to the silver-haired boy and together they all thanked for the food before digging in.

During their eating time, Kaien would ask questions here and there and interacted with the girls as Zero watched them silently as he ate. This atmosphere was very warm, it was nostalgic and reminded him of the good days he had with his sibling and his parents. Zero gulped the pain down his throat and shook the memory away, they weren't here anymore.

While the girls conversed to each other, Kaien took notice that Zero had not spoken at all and he became concerned.

"So how have you been doing, Zero?" Kaien started, trying to make a conversation with the silent boy.

Zero shrugged in reply as he grabbed a piece of rolled egg and popped it into his mouth. Kaien sweat dropped.

A lightbulb popped up in Kaien's head and he smirked evilly. "Now that you're staying with us, you don't mind if I adopt you, right Zero?"

This made the boy choke on his food as he snatched the glass of water Yuki was going to drink from and chugged it down, earning a sound of disapproval from Yuki before she started scolding him. Emiko laughed into her hands, trying her best to conceal the laughter but failed, receiving a playful glare from the human girl.

"No way, old man!" Zero exclaimed, placing down the empty glass.

Seeing that he replied, Kaien smiled innocently. A mark appeared on Zero's face as fought Kaien verbally however was shot down several times with the pony-tailed man's greatest combacks, irking Zero even more.

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