1- College

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I sat there, on my bed, staring at my packed bags and my empty room. I was on my way to a community college in Alabama with my best friend, Dyl. No pressure here.

"Hey, Miley!"Dyl comes bursting in my room. He has been my bestie since seventh grade, and it wasn't until ninth that he came out of the closet. He was fully confident and never really cared what others thought, and I admire him for it.

"Helllooo?"He said waving his hand in my face. "Are you a zombie?Hurry up. I mean I knew you're slow at everything but dang. "he said. Me and him weren't to big on cursing so we use our own words.

I stand up and unexpectedly, I thrust myself at him, hugging his waist. "Ugh, why college?Why can't we just not go?"I asked. I was NOT ready. "Oh my God. You are still hung up?You know my car is gonna get hot waiting on your slow self?"He retorted, prying me off him.

He quickly grabbed just about all my my bags and lugged them to his car. I slowly followed, only  to meet my parents and older brother, Gage, at the botton of the stairs. Gage had already made his mind up about college three years ago when he graduated high school. He told my parents, who weren't to pleased about it, that he has already settled with his long time girlfriend, Paisley, and decided to rent an apartment in Auburn.

"Oh, my little baby is going to college;I'm going to cry. "My mom said, pulling me to a hug. "Ok now, Katelyn. We don't want to suffocate her. "My dad spoke up, noticing my peach face. I mouthed a thank you to my dad and hugged him. Gage just stood there, not really big on hugs. "Well have fun. "He said, holding his fist out. I bumped it and said, "Thanks for letting me know your gonna miss me. "

"Oh come on, your going to a community college in Opelika. It's not like we're going to be thousands of miles apart. "He said, going to the kitchen. "Miley!"Dyl called, already honking the horn, making all the dogs bark. "That's my cue, I love you guys. "I said, hugging my parents and running out the door. I barely made it into the car until Dyl sped off.

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