5- Retarded Walrus

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Someone pounding on my door literally made me fall off the side of the bed. When I walked zombie-like to the door, I opened it and there was Dyl, a bewildered look on his face.

"How could you possibly sleep through what just happened?!" He shouted, pushing his way in my room. " Wha.. what happened?" I asked, yawning.

" A girl just got shot outside!" He exclaimed. I think my eyes were about to pop out its sockets. "WHAT??!!" I screamed, pacing around like an idiot. The smug look on his face got me suspicious.

All of a sudden, he just burst out laughing. "What is wrong with you?!" I shouted. "Yo.. You fell.... for... it!Oh.... My god. " He said rolling around on the floor like a retarded walrus.

"Excuse me?" I asked,picking him up off the floor. "No one got shot. I just said that to get your attention. " He said still laughing. I, for one, was not amused. "You pig. " I said, punching his abdomen.

"I'm sorry. I just really wanted to see your reaction." I slammed my dresser drawer. "By telling me someone got killed?!" I said, going to the bathroom. "Are you still my friend?"He said through the door. I didn't reply.


"Ok!Shut up already!" I exclaimed, taking my top off. "Haha, I knew that would get ya. I'm gonna wait in the living room. " He said.

I started the shower and quickly washed off, did my makeup, and brush my teeth, and so on. I met both Aiden and Dyl in the living room. They seemed sucked into their conversation, so I decided to fix my coffee. I nearly about spit out all of coffee when I heard Dyl ask "So. You into Miley, bro?You seem to like her. "

I started biting my nails. "Actually, she isn't that ugly. Well she is really pretty but I gotta get to know her better before I ask her out. " Aiden explained. I let out the air I didn't know I was holding.

"Makes since. I honestly think you two would be cute together." Dyl shrugged. I walked over. "Hey Dyl. You mind helping me with something?" I ask. Before he can say no, I grab his arm and drag him to the kitchen. "Are you outta your mind?!Why did you ask him that?" I ask, my nostrils flaring. "Hey, I was trying to get you someone, k?" he said like it was obvious. I rolled my eyes and slid my iPhone in my back pocket. "Let's go. " I said, grabbing my bag.

We strolled out the door and were surprised to see Hannah and Shane standing at the end of the hall. "Oh, hey guys. " Hannah said, looking at her phone.

"Uh, hey. What are you two doing here?" I ask, looking at Shane. Hannah put her phone away and looked at me in complete awe. "Our dorm is down here. But omg you look absolutely amazing. " She said, eyeing my vintage green sweatshirt and my black faded jeans with my wedge boots.

"Thanks. The sweatshirt is new. " I told her. "I love it. So, should we be going?" Me and Dyl nodded and we headed down to the cafeteria. I ordered a piece of French toast with strawberry yogurt and orange juice.

Dyl, with his unusual self, ordered garlic bread with a side of dipping sauce. I didn't even know they served that. We sat in the same place as yesterday's and started talking about stupid things such as how mine and Shane's seminar teacher looked lowkey like a fish and all.

I looked up and saw Aiden looking for a place to sit. When he picked a single table, I immediately called him over. No way was my new friend gonna sit alone. "You guys don't mind if Aiden sits with us do you?" All I got were wiggly eyebrows and a "Ooohh" from Hannah.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me over. "Aiden said, setting his tray down. "No problem" I said, sipping my orange juice. 

My phone suddenly buzzed and I took it out to read the message.

Dyl-Sure you don't like him?;);)

Me-Omg will u stop already?I just invited him to sit with us

Dyl-k whatever you say

Dyl-Hey that rhymed

Me-Congrats u know how to rhyme lol

Dyl poked me in the rib. I hiss, rubbing the spot.

"Oh hey Miley. Do you want my number in case you wanna chat?" Hannah spoke up, already bringing out paper and a pen. "Yeah that'd  be alright. " I say, taking the paper.

The bell soon rang and we all bid our goodbyes and headed to the seminars.

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