24-I Hate Feeling Like a Baby deer

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I got up.Got dressed.Brushed my teeth.Grabbed my stuff.

I was up before Aiden was,on purpose.I exited my room and basically tiptoed out the door and across the hall.

I knocked on Dyl's dorm door and about two minutes standing there,someone opened it.

"Who are you?" I looked up at a guy looking at me as if I was the plague. "Ur,Miley.Dyl's friend.Is he here?" It was like looking at a giant.

"Ok.I'm Justin.Hold on." He turned his back to me and I read the words 'Adopt don't $hop' on his shirt.

"DYL!YA GOT A GIRL HERE LOOKING FOR YOU!" He screamed and it felt like I had lost my hearing.He turned back to me.

"So.How long have you known Dyl?Y'all,like,a thing?" He asked,obviously not knowing Dyl is gay."Since seventh grade and no,we are not a thing,my boyfriend... " While I was saying that,I heard a door shut behind me.

"Is right behind me." I finished and closed my eyes.I opened them and saw Justin looking over my head,with disgust.

"Your dating Aiden Andrews?" Justin asked me and looked me in the eyes."Yes." I jumped when I felt a hand run down my back.

"Relax,just me." Aiden whispered.As if it couldn't get any weirder,Justin and Aiden stood there shooting daggers out of their eyeballs at each other.

I just stood there like a statue.Dyl eventually walked around the corner.

"I'm ready,let's go.Peace out J." He called out and pushed Justin out of the the way and shut the door.

All three of us walked down the corridor,into the cafeteria,and to our normal table.

Aiden sat beside me,as usual and Dyl on my other side.

"Hey,Hey,Hey!Good morning lovebirds and single out!" Hannah sat down and was jumping in her seat.

"Are you ok?You look like that stupid pony on that show,My Little Pony." Dyl said.

"Pinkie Pie?" Aiden asked. Dyl nodded. "Her dad is getting remarried." Shane popped out of nowhere.

"And I'm soooo excited!The woman he's marrying is a nurse named Lizzy." She exclaimed.

We all nodded and she slumped her shoulders. "Why is it so tense between you two?" She asked pointing at me and Aiden. "It isn't,im eating." I said and motioned to my food.

Thank God,the bell rung for us to go to class.I quickly got up and threw my food away. I kissed Aiden on the cheek,but I stead,he pulled me into an embrace and kissed me on my lips.

"Meet me at this table after class.Can you?" He looked down at me.I nodded and he let me go and we parted ways.


I walked back to the table to meet Aiden.He wasn't there so I sat down and played a game on my phone.

I scowled when I died and pulled my jacket back on my arm.September 21,2017. Only about a week until Adrianna is out of the hospital.And when it's my 20 birthday,September 29,1997.

I heard crunching of leaves and looked up.A shadowy figure was coming towards me and I stood,thinking it was Aiden. Nope.

It was Justin.Dyl's roommate. I sat back down only to be pulled back up by him.

"How about you come with me back to my dorm,yeah?"

"No.Let me go weirdo." I tried to get my arm back,but it was like an iron grip on me.

"It wasn't a question.I'll show you that I'm more fun than Aiden.Your a pretty thing.I've never slept with a redhead.Heard they the wildest in bed." He smirked down at me.

I cringed.Bit probably the only way to get him away from me was scream.So I did.As loud as I could.

Justin let me go and plugged his ears.Someone was running to us,shouting.

"What the hell?!Get your damn hands of her!" Aiden shoved him out of the way.

I just sat there.Like I was the most pitiful person ever.I hated this.I hate feeling like a baby deer in need of help.

Justin and Aiden were shoving each other,shouting.I ran in between them and put my arm out.

That didn't help.They were still swinging their long arms around,I had to duck down so I wouldn't get hit.

"FUCKING STOP NOW!" I screamed.They each stared at me.Aiden,who I could tell was thinking about what I had just said,was looking at me like I was mad.

Justin just looked like a freak,which he was.

I grabbed my stuff and slung my bag on my shoulder and drug Aiden back to our dorm.

I slammed the door shut and locked it.

I cussed.Oh my lord,I just went against my own rule. It felt wrong but good at the same time.

I turned around to face Aiden.He was looking down,rubbing his index finger on his forehead.

"I'm sorry.I'm so stupid." He mumbled to me."No your not.Justin's stupid.He came in to me.You were defending me." I said and raised his head to look at me.

"But you had last night,Jay,Blake,now this.It's like you have karma." He furrowed his eyebrows together and let out a huff. His breath smelled like mint.

"It's not karma.It's just bad timing.How about we watch a movie,forget about what has happened the last twenty four hours?" I asked and he nodded.

I led him to the couch and went to my room for my computer.I had no idea were it was.Dyl must have taken it.

"Can I use your computer?" I asked,walking out of my room."Yeah,on my bed." He said as he played on his phone.

I picked up the computer and sat down beside him on the couch.

"Password?" I asked and looked at him.

"Drop top" he answered,grinning at me. "Really?" I chuckled and quickly typed in the password.

I logged into my Netflix account and scrolled through movies. "Comedy,Romance,Drama, or horror?" I asked and he shot me a look.

"Definitely not romance.No offence,but I'm tired of hearing girls go "Oh I love you so much I cannot live without you.Kiss me" " He mocked a squeaky girl voice and I laughed.

"Comedy." He answered and I looked for a good movie to watch.

"Why Him? Is on here!?I been dyeing to see that movie!" I clicked on it and pressed start.

I fell asleep halfway through it.

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