6- The Curse of Chucky

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Me and Shane sat there in the seminar, flicking a wadded up piece of paper back and forth to each other.

Our teacher was talking about what type of projects we would be doing this year and whatnot. None really appealing to me.

One of the students passed a a few flyers back to me that said "Holly Graham's Party on Saturday Night There will be Beer and Sodas Location:The Dance Studio Behind the School Do Not Tell Any School Staff".

I took two and passed the rest to Shane. I wasn't really the drinking type but from time to time I would take a shot with Dyl. When the bell rung to be dismissed, me, Dyl, Shane and Hannah met up and started talking about the party.

Me and Hannah were just talking about what we were going to wear, while the guys talked about how epic and awesome it was going to be. After endless talking we all decided to go to Dyl's dorm and have a small movie night.

Dyl's roommate wasn't there so we had the whole place to ourselves. After fighting about the movie to watch, we finally agreed to The Curse Of Chucky.

Already half way through the movie me and Hannah had already screamed countless times,, with the guys laughing at us about how scared we were. And there the ones talking, when they nearly jumped out of their skin when the blonde girl was killed.

When the movie ended, we decided to watch White Chicks to calm us down.

Around eleven we called it a night a went back to our dorms. I immediately went to bed, my head was pounding. After about twenty minutes of restlessness, I finally drifted off to sleep.

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