45-Is He Gay?

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"Ok, lets go girls!Get on your designated sides!" Coach Daniels yelled from the sidelines of the court.

I finished tying my hair in a ponytail and jogged over to my position.

"Miley!Your starting." Gwen threw the ball to me. I caught it and raised my hand up to hit it.

I gently threw it in the air and palmed it, sending it hurtling threw the air. Kiki hit back over to our side.

I watched as Nadine hit with all her might, spiking it on the other side. "That was great Nadine, keep it up!" Coach yelled.

After a few hours of practicing, Coach announced it was time to hit the showers.

I walked into the locker room and grabbed my bad, taking my clothes out along with my shampoo and conditioner.

"Can you believe she thinks she's good?I mean, look at her, she is so bloated, she makes my fat uncle look skinny." I heard Alexis say to another ayer, Natalie.

Natalie rolled her eyes and walked away from her. "Don't listen to her, she's a bitch." She said, passing by me.

I shrugged it off, heading to a stall.I turned the hot water on, letting it soak my body.

It felt so good.I washed my hair and put some conditioner in it.

I got out when I was done, walking over to my bag. I didn't see my clothes anywhere where I left them.

"Looking for these?" I turned around and saw Alexis standing there, holding my clothes in her hand. I sighed. "Alexis, just give me my clothes." I said, walking towards her.

She smiled wickedly, and threw my clothes into a shower stall with the water on. Everybody was watching to see what I would do.

"Oops. I'm sorry, didn't mean too." She said and sauntered off. I just huffed, fishing my drenched clothes out.

"That girl is asking for a serious beating.You ok?" Nadine came up beside me.

I nodded, twisting my clothes to at least get some water out if them.

"I just ignore her." I smiled tightly, throwing them in the hamper that we had.

"How could you deal with that?I mean, a couple days ago, she intentionally put a banana peel on the floor to make you fall, and not to mention yesterday when she spiked the ball on your face." Nadine said.

"You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I shrugged, trying to figure out what I was going to do.

"I wouldn't want to keep that one closer.Here, I got some leggings and a sweatshirt you might fit." I followed her to her locker.

She handed me the clothes and I changed quickly, slinging my bag on my shoulder.

Me and Nadine walked back to our dorm, which was way bigger then the one at Southern Union.

I was laughing at something Nadine had said when someone pulled me back.

"Blake, for the thousandth time, I don't want to talk to you." I growled, turning around.

Except it wasn't Blake. It was Alexis.

"What the-"

"Listen to me, prick. If you dare talk or even look at Nick Daniels, I will cut your tits off and feed them to you.If you so Much as communicate in any way with him, I will tear you apart. You din get everything you want, including my position in volleyball. Am I making myself clear?" She said rudely.

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