21:Brain Freeze

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"I'M SO FANCY,YOU ALREADY KNOW!" We all sung in the car.We were all fist bumping the air and rocking our heads.

We had just picked up Lamar and was just about to be at Sonic.

"YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL,WHOA OH,THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!" The guys sung the end of the One Direction song.

We all started laughing as I turned down the radio.I pulled into the driveway and we all fixed out of the car to the picnic area.

Dyl went to take out orders and a group of girls walked by,eyeing Lamar,Shane and Aiden.

"Do you got a staring problem or something?If you do,you should go get that checked out." Hannah told them who were sitting a little to close to us.

They fell into a hushed whisper and Hannah turned back to us."Calm down." Shane said,putting his arm around her.

"I hate it when girls do that.It's like your eye candy." She threw her hands in the air.

"You should know tour the only girl I want.And your kinda cute when your jealous." He poked her nose.She rolled her eyes and looked down at her phone.

I noticed some of the girls were still staring at Aiden and I bugged my eyes out at them to freak them out.It did and they turned around in their circle.

Dyl soon came back to the table,getting out his credit card."No way,you got a card?My mom said she wouldn't trust me with one.How did you get it?" Shane asked.

"My mom got it for me senior year." He explained and twisted it around in his fingers.

A small girl came up to our table holding some drinks and a big box.She sat down the box and Dyl dove into it.

"Your other drinks will be out shortly." She said politely as Dyl handed her his card.

"What did you get me?" I asked. "Your favorite.Strawberry Limeade." He passed me my drink and a straw.

We all silently slurped on our drinks besides Hannah and Lamar.

Soon enough,the small waitress came back with their drinks and Dyl's credit card.

"Thanks Dyl." We all suddenly said in unison.We looked at each other and laughed.

"NP,NP." he said and grabbed the box."Yeah-yuh!Love these!" It was fried pickles.

"Ew." I scrunched my nose as Hannah reached for one.

"You don't like these?" She asked and popped one in her mouth.

"Hell no." I said.

"I thought you don't don't cuss?" Shane asked and stared at me. "She doesn't count hell because she's talking about down there.We don't count hell." Dyl explained. I nodded.

My phone rang and I stood and walked away to answer.

The caller ID was 'Samatha', who is Jay's mom.And here's some info,Jay is black,and I'm not trying to be racist.


"Miley!Jay..... "

"Jay what,Mrs.Williams?"

"Another heart problem.Can you come down to the hospital,please?!"

I stood straight up.

"Yes maam.I will be there in five."

I hung up and ran back to our table."Aiden can I have your keys please?!Dyl grab your stuff and come on!" I snatched Aiden's keys out of his hand and drug Dyl to his car.

"What is wrong with you?!" he shouted as I sped out of the parking lot.

"Jay is in the hospital!He had another heart problem."

I'll explain this.When me and Jay were about five,I remember this as if it happened yesterday,we were playing in his sandbox and all of sudden he started coughing really bad.He literally callapsed and was holding on to chest.I ran inside and was screaming at his mom to call the 'powese'.

He had a heart attack at age five.And they kept coming.When we were seven,he had one at school.Then when we were ten,eleven, and thirteen.Now,19.

And each time,I had this exact same reaction.

"Oh my God." Dyl whispered and was looking down.

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