37-I Wanna Be a Unicorn

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I woke up to loud screaming.

Like, terrorizing screaming.

I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room.

MC was standing on top of the couch, shaking with fear.

"GET IT OUT!" She screamed, clinging onto Justin.

"What?What is it?" I asked, looking around frantically.

"Over there!Scorpion!" She pointed over to the TV.

Justin hopped down from the couch, grabbing the fly swatter and some type of cleaner spray.

He walked slowly over to the TV, looking around until he started spraying.

He hit a place on the table multiple times.

"Aahh!" He jumped back and started flailing his arms everywhere.

"It's on my shirt!It's on my shirt!" He started hitting himself.

MC grabbed the cleaner out of his hands and sprayed all over him.

I saw the thing fall off him, and MC stomped on it with her shoe.

She sat on the couch, blowing a strand of her hair out of her face.

"MC!" I yelled and she looked at me, surprised.

"What?" She asked in a quiet voice. I pointed to her arm. "It stung you." I said and her eyes widened.

She let out another scream and Shane scrambled out of my room.

"HOW DO WE TAKE CARE OF IT?!" MC shouted, springing up from the chair.

I ran to the kitchen, taking out the First Aid kit from the cabinet.

I grabbed some bandages and some Neosporin.

"Hold still." I said, and started to rub some on her arm. I wrapped her arm up and she relaxed.

"What the hell happened?" Hannah said, rubbing her eyes as she walked.

"Scorpion." Shane said, walking over to her.

Aiden came out of the room, yawning.

"What time is it?" I asked and Shane took out his phone.

"Eight fifteen."

"Goodnight." Hannah said, turning around and walking back in my room.

I laughed at her and turned to Justin. "Are you good?"

He nodded and took a seat in front of MC. "You good, babe?" He asked her and she nodded back to him.

"How bout you?You good babe?" Aiden whispered in my ear, mocking Justin.

"Yeah.You?" He nodded and kissed my forehead.

I went back to the kitchen, putting away the fist aid kit and taking a box of cereal of the top of the fridge.

I poured some into a plastic bowl and put some sugar on it.

I sat at the bar, flipping through my phone.

I almost dropped it when it started ringing.



"Chloe?Is this you?"

I rolled eyes at her even though she couldn't see it.
"Yep.How are you?"

"Why are you calling, what do you want?"

"Who said I wanted anything?"

"You never call me unless you want something. What do you want?"

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