28-Braces off!

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I had to wake up early for my dental appointment.

I was finally getting my braces off!Aiden has to drive me because I'm going to be on laughing gas, so basically I'll be drunk.

When we arrived at the doctor's office, I went up to the receptionist, who looked pissed.

"Hi I'm Miley Skott, here for an appointment with Dr.Mathews." I said politely and I signed a paper and the lady told me to take a seat in the visitor section.

Aiden sat beside me and I flipped through some magazines that was on a small table beside me.

"Oh look!He is so hot!" I teased Aiden and he rolled his eyes, picking up one as well.

"Oh look!She is absolutely gorgeous!" He teased back. "You went to far with the 'Absolutly'. " I mumbled and he laughed.

"Nah, your absolutely gorgeous." He pit his hand on mine and I smiled.

"Ms.Skott?Dr.Mathews will see you now." A different lady said and pointed me to the room.


It was like a while different Miley when she got out. She stumbled to the car mumbling 'I want a snake'

It's sounds like I'm exaggerating,but I swear that is what she kept saying.

The doctor had said that the laughing gas would go away in probably thirty minutes,so Miley was sprawled across the back seat singing the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song.

I stopped at a convenience store and made sure to lock the doors so she wouldn't go any where and went inside to buy her a water.

I walked back out to the car and as soon as I opened the door, Miley had fell out on me, knocking us both down.

"Miley!" I whispered yelled in frustration and pulled her off the ground and back in the back seat.

I grabbed the water bottle off the ground and opened it, trying to give it to her.

"Here, drink this.It will help you feel better." I said and she hesitantly reached for it.

She took a sip and handed it back to me. She plopped herself down on the seat and instantly started snoring.

When we made it back to college, I carried her bridal style back to the dorm and managed unlocking the door.

I layed her in her bed and went back outside.

I locked my car and headed back inside, flipping on the TV.

After a while I heard a groan from her bedroom and I stood in the doorway as she rubbed her eyes and looked around in confusion.

"Was I drunk?" She asked and looked at me. I laughed and sat down beside her.

"No, you got your braces off, remember?" She rubbed her finger on her teeth and ran up to the bathroom.

"Oh my God!" She yelled in what I'm guessing was excitement and came running back out to me.

"How does it look?" She asked and smiled wide. "It looks amazing" I said and she layed back down.
"Do we have any Aspirin?Or something that deals with headaches?" She asked and closed her eyes.

"I think so." I got up and went to my bathroom. I had one more aspirin left.
I grabbed the water from the bar and went back to her room.

"These will most likely make you go back to sleep you know?" I asked and she threw her head back,taking the pill and downing almost the entire drink.

"Yeah I know." She looked at me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you for taking me.But what did I do when I was basically high?" She asked and stared at me.

"Well, you were singing the Spongebob Squarepants theme song, You were complaining how you didn't have a pet snake,and when I stopped at a store to get water, you somehow climbed to the front of the car and when I opened it, you fell out on me." I explained and she laughed.

"It's wierd what medication does to you." She calmed down. I chuckled,"Yeah I know."

"You were right, I'm tired again.Can I go to sleep?" She asked already starting to get under the covers.

"Of course." I got up from her bed and closed the door, leaving her to sleep.

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