41-Your Curves are Tight

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"Shane stop. Now." I swatted his hand away from my side.

He kept trying to poke me as we made our way up to class. "Why?" He asked mischievously.

I glared at him as he reached his arm around me and poked me again. I slapped his arm and he yanked it back, hissing.

"Fine, ok. I'll stop, damn. " He rubbed his arm and barked out laughter, him rolling his eyes at me.

I walked in the classroom and felt another poke. I swung around and he backed away.

I mouthed, 'Ill get you' and he just shook his head. I tool my seat in the back and brought out my notebook and a pen.

"I got to see you take a picture. See if your photographer worthy." Shane said as he sat down beside me.

"Same to you, how about when class is over, in the courtyard?" I challenged him.

"It's a deal." I shook his hand and turned back to the professor.

"Ok, so who can tell me the main focus on taking a professional picture?" He asked. I raised my hand.

He pointed to me. "You have to make sure that you have the right zoom, focus and check the lighting." I answered. He had an impressed look on his face.

"That's correct Ms. Skott.Now who can tell me why we have to do that stuff?"

I started scribbling in my book, occasionally taking notes.

The bell ring after a couple hours, signalling that it was time to head back to our dorms.

"Ready?" Shane asked. I nodded, holding up my camera around my neck.

"Let's do this." I said and we went out to the courtyard.

"Take a picture of that oak tree in the distance. Make the filter old time, and make sure to have enough detail of the bark." He tried making that sound as if it were impossible.

I smirked, getting down on my knee. I zoomed in, and carefully focused it.

When you could basically see the outline of the bark, I snapped the picture.

I looked at it and nodded in approval. I set the filter to grey, or old time, and showed it to him.

"Hmm, not bad.Not bad at all." He nodded and I smiled, looking around to see what he should take a picture of.

I saw a couple of teenagers, one bot and girl. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulders and then laughing about something.

"Ok, you see that couple?Get a zoomed picture of them, make sure to get them in mid laugh and no filter." I told him.

I scratched his head, but got on one knee. I watched him rotate the nose of the camera and then focused it.

I heard the click and watched as he took it away from his face, smiling at the picture.

"How is that?" He smirked. I looked at the picture.

It was perfect. He got them in mid laugh and out the top left hand corner, you could see the sun rays come in.

"Not bad at all. " I copied what he had said to me. He playfully rolled his eyes, deleting the picture.

I deleted the one of the tree as we walked back to the dorms.

"Your not too bad, defiantly photographer worthy, see ya tomorrow." He waved goodbye and went down a different hall way.


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