31-Giddy with excitement

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I woke up hearing a girl's voice in the living room. I walked out and saw a semi tall girl with crutches facing opposite of me, talking to Aiden.

She had long dirty blonde hair. I knew it was Adrianna.

"Oh Miley your up.Um, this is my sister, Adrianna, this is my girlfriend, Miley." He introduced and I walled up a little closer to her.

She turned around slowly, smiling at me warmly."Hi, it's so nice to meet you!Aiden has told me so much about you. It's amazing to see you in person." I said.

Her eyes lit up. "Omg, you are so pretty!It's nice to meet you too.Aiden was just talking about you." She stuck out her free hand.

I took it in mine, shaking it. She was giddy with excitement,smiling wide,showing her bright white teeth.

"And I heard you are fifteen today?How does it feel?" I asked her, pulling out a chair is she could sit. "It feels so amazing. It's like your an adult but not one at the same time." She said.

"I member feeling that way too, I remember that me and my friend,Dyl, went to a creek and just partied it up, just us." I laughed at the memory.

"Your friends named after a pickle?" She asked in confusion. Aiden, who was quiet the entire time, burst out laughing. I let out a small laugh.

"No, his name is Dylen,Dyl is what we call him for short." She nodded in understanding.

Just then, someone opened the door. And no other than the dark haired gay dude walled in.

"Yo, yo, yo!What is happenin'?" He said, closing the door and stopping when he saw Adrianna.

"Hi I'm Adrianna.I'm Aiden's sister." She stuck out her hand to him. He took it, smiling at her.

"I'm Dyl, Miley's friend." He said and her eyebrows shot up. "Your the one that's has a nickname of a pickle!" She exclaimed and we busted with laughter. Dyl furrowed his eyebrows together, looking strangely at her.

"Sorry dude, she has no filter." Aiden breathed out.

"Sometimes she can." A voice said behind us and I jumped, turning around.

I saw another boy, who looked a lot like Steven, their dad. "Your Aaron, right?" I asked, looking at the giant.

He nodded and smiled at me. "Your Miley?" I nodded too.

"I think you and my cousin,Chloe, met at my party last night." Is aid and he looked at me with confusion.

"I thought her name was Clair?" He said and I giggled at that name.

I shook my head no and he shrugged,turning to his brother and sister.

"Sorry dude, but we gotta jam.Adrianna is shops only going to see her boyfriend." He spun his keys on his finger.

"Since when do you have a boyfriend?" Aiden asked.

She waved her hand. "Since two months ago. Bye Kool Aid." She said, kissing his cheek and waving me and Dyl goodbye.

"Nice meeting you Adrianna!" Me and Dyl called out to her as Aaron closed the door.

"Kool Aid?" Dyl asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just a name." He shrugged, switching on the TV.

"Yeah, a name for the actual juice." Dyl said, and I snickered behind him.

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