3- Hannah & Shane

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I woke up to a very bright room. I squinted, remembering that I had no curtains for the windows. I trudged to my dresser and pulled out my clothes. My light pink tank top and my light blue jeans along with my ankle wedge boots. I grabbed my bra and underwear and got in the shower. It was amazing. The shower had had five settings. One of which was gentle rainfall, my new favorite. I applied light makeup and straightened my hair.

I walked out to the kitchen and fixed me a cup of coffee. Aiden came out of his room in nothing but sleeping pants. His hair was everywhere. When he saw me, he smiled."Good morning. " He said, opening the fridge. "Morning. " I said. "Do you want any left over pizza?I can heat you some. " He said, bringing out the left overs. "No thanks. I was going to get a breakfast muffin from the kitchen. " I said. He nodded, putting his slice I the microwave.

I grabbed my shoulder bag and said goodbye to Aiden, and headed out. As I walked out the door, Dyl was also. "Hey. Wanna go with me to the kitchen?" He asked. "I was going there anyway. " I said. We walked together, completely lost. "Hi!" A girl said behind us. We turned to face her. "My name is Hannah. Nice to meet you!" She said, shaking our hands.

"Hi. I'm Miley and this is my friend, Dyl. " I said. She walked in front of us, talking about how much she was looking forward to college and stuff. "Looks like we made friends with a chatter box. " Dyl whispered to me. I snorted, causing Hannah to turn to us. "Sorry if it seems I talk alot, I was just really looking forward to making friends. " She explained. "Of course. The more the merrier. " Dyl said. "Any chance you know where the kitchen is?I'm starving. " He asked.

"Oh, students aren't allowed there. We have to do it high school style. Single file line with our trays." Hannah explained, causing Dyl to gasp. "Wow, no independence, I see. " He said, a annoyed face. Me and Hannah laugh, her showing us to the cafeteria.

When me, Dyl and Hannah got our trays, we headed outside to a shaded lunch table. We ate in silence. "So, are you guys from around here?" Hannah asked us. "Uh, yeah. We lived in Alabama our entire lives. What about you?" I replied, shaking my juice. "Oh, I moved her from Washington last summer, with my dad. " Hannah replied, not wanting to go further.

Right when we were about to leave, some guy sat down next to Hannah. She squealed in exitment, kissing the guy. Talk about PDA. "Guys this is my boyfriend, Shane. " She introduced us. "What's up?" He said, placing his arm around Hannah. I eyed him carefully. He looks and sounds vaguely familiar. "Hey aren't you the guy who went to the High School? You were a quarterback on the football team?" Dyl asked. "Actually yeah. How'd you know?" Shane asked, stealing some of Hannah's juice. "We went to the same school.And we were all into the same grade. Remeber?Dyl and Miley?" Dyl asked in a 'duh' tone.

Shane was in deep thought. "Oh yeah. Your Miley Andrews and your Dyl Skott, right?" Shane asked, clearly confused. "uh no. I'm Miley Skott and he is Dyl Andrews. But close enough. " I corrcted. "At least you already know each other" Hannah said, smiling.

Me and Dyl never really liked Shane. He was a football player, completely full of himself. He constantly put people down in high school. Him and Dyl nearly had it out before. The bell ringing for us to go to our seminar rung and we cleared all saying bye as me and Shane went to our seminar.

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