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I stared into Aiden's eyes, seeing he was waiting for my answer to his proposal.

I didn't even know if I was ready for this, knowing I had alot of stuff to deal with in college. I just don't know if getting married would be good.

But I had to think of the advantages. I would spending my life with the guy I honestly and truly loved. I would get to see him everyday and possibly start a family, which I've longed for since I was nine.

I broke out in a huge grin, deciding on my answer.

"Of course. Yes!" I said, making him break into a huge smile and step up and give me a hug, sniffing.

"Oh my gosh, I love you so much!" He yelled into my shoulder. I was very happy, and I couldn't believe this was happening.

"I'm in love with you. God, I'm so in love!" He said, pulling away and taking my left hand.

He slid the ring on my fingers as I admired it. It had small doom on DS scattered all around it, circling a dip mind in the middle that had a greenish tint to it.

"I... I have no idea what to say, thank you such, it's so beautiful." I stutter, admiring the ring.

"It was mom's wedding ring. She left it in my name, saying in her will that she wanted Aaron to have her golden necklace, me her ring, and Addy a silver bracelet. I thought she would like it if I proposed to you with it." He whispered, looking me in the eye the entire time.

I stepped back into his arms and crashed lips on his, kissing him slowly but fiercely, moving out lips together in a slow motion.

I felt tears race down my face again and I felt his too, our tears combining down our face.

"Did she say yes?!" I heard Eli scream and hearing a bunch of feet pound against the beach.

We broke away, holding each other and watching the guys come running toward us.

"She said yes.She said yes." Aiden said when they approached us. Eli and the guys stopped me up in a hug and started talking about our wedding.

I went back in Aiden's arms and hugged him tightly, already imagining the special day.

"Guys, me and Miley are goin to go back to the motel, see you later." Aiden winked at them, grabbing the keys from Dyl.

They smiled and waved at us as we retreated, shouting and screaming.

There are no words to explain how excited I am. I was beyond happy, thinking of how my mom would react to this.

I was thinking about this whole thing when the car stopped in the motel driveway.

"We should pack our bags, I'm not staying with my fiancè in a dirty motel." The way he said fiance a dry heart flitter as I got out of the car, running to my room and packing hurriedly.

I threw my bag in the car and Aiden soon joined me, holding my hand as we sped out.

I still can't believe this is happening.

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