Update on Life

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So... I'm not dead thank you very much.

But I don't like updating on this story anymore. I love the book don't get me wrong. I don't have writers block. I just don't want do write on this very much.

I have other books. I've told you guys this before, and it seems like no one reads them. Actually no one does. Out of thousands of readers and no one read any of them?!

My first book, Like No Other, which is now called We Can Do That Again, was what started it all. I was so excited to write or when someone would vote. I still only a couple hundred reads. Of course I started reading more inappropriate  ones. Then I wrote K-Kidnapped. Some son(or daughter) of a gun decided to report it, and it got deleted which now I have all my documents in google docs, so it won't delete. I tried to re-write it but gave up, because soon after this story started to take off. It got way more popular that K-Kidnapped. So I focused on that one.

Then I got this idea for a Luke story, Unlocking Her World. I wrote it in my notebook which transpired into a google doc. I really spent time on this story, and I have been which why I haven't been post partly. That story is like my baby, and I love writing it. It's never forced writing. I just wished more people would pay attention to it because I see all these other successful writers, and all their stories have so many reads.

Now I'm working on this story I only have one chapter written and not type, but I'm typing it after I update this. I'm calling it Starbucks Boy; it's a muke book. If you comment enough I'll post the first chapter.

I genuiely( totally spelled that wrong) want feedback, so please read my other stories. The list of stories I have...

Our Girl

Unlocking Her World


We Can Do That Again

and soon Starbucks Boy

SO... The other part was because as of today I finished Hell aka US History of the course of summer school. That took up all my time kid you not. I would read and take notes on like thrity pages a night every night. Then take a test everyday. I don't know I even did it when I was in band which carved 3 hours off my notes time cause notes took over 6 hours. So I finished to day got a B for both semsters which they say is good. History also is my week subject, but it helped since I like US history. 

I have two week 'off' so I should be able to post probably not lets be honnest.

If you read till the end comment  at the top that ' You suck as a writer'. 

Sorry for my ramble enjoy the rest of whatever you are doing!

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