Project Kaleb

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"Joseph! I can't do this anymore!" 

Mishu screams at the top of his lungs as I laid in the hospital bed, unable to move. His words broke the deadly silence and finally explained the tangible tension. 

"FIRST You're sick and now you're dying. I'm only sixteen, I can't handle the stress of going through this anymore."

 He cries and I take in a deep breath from the oxygen mask. My surgery was in less than an hour but this shock was just another thing to add to the list of reasons why I hope I die in my sedated dreams. 

"You're leaving me...your boyfriend of...four years...on our anniversary...because I have cancer?" I ask while pausing to take deep breaths of oxygen. 

The cancer was clinging to my inner workings. Crawling through my system and taking over my lungs. I could feel my body dying.


 Mishu confirms and leaves without looking back. The rest of the hour passes by in what seems like seconds and the nurses come in to bring me to the operating room.

I had been selected as one of ten candidates to test a new invention called Project Kaleb, which was said to block cancer cells from replicating and destroy the ones already there.

I was going to die anyway.
So in the name of science I decided to agree to be a test subject.

At least in surgery, I could die peacefully in my sleep and no longer have to deal with this pain that filled every cell in my body.

*Rip Kaleb Grayson  ❤❤❤

*as seen in Project Kaleb

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