The In-Laws

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 Linda calls my name and hugs me tightly. "Linda he's too frail, you're gonna crush him," Jonathan says with little Ashley clinging to his leg and Linda releases me.

 "Sorry, I just get so excited to see you! I can't wait until Pierce gets married. Then we can form a Grayson spouses club and teach each other different techniques for cleaning these boys up." She smiles and I smile too. 

"Yes, I meant to ask you about your stitching technique cause mine apparently needs work," I say while scratching the back of my head and Linda squeals. "Why of course! You'll have to come over and I'll show you everything there is to know!" Linda says in a determined manner. 

We were all gathered on the main grand staircase for the annual Grayson family portrait. Peter comes up Jonathan and snags his nephew from his brother's leg. Ashley screams at first but then sees that it's Peter and wraps his little arms around his uncle's neck.

 "Oji Peta!" he says and Peter holds him tight. Peter looked so happy with little Ashley in his arms that it makes me wonder something for the very first time. 

I look around the room. Everyone was talking to each other and looking beautiful. Luke comes up from behind me and puts an arm around my shoulders. 

"Hey, Peter! When am I going to get another little niece or nephew huh?" He asks and I look down in embarrassment. 

Putting my hands over my face as everyone starts to gather around and ask the same question. Whether we wanted a big family or small family and how many kids we wanted, what surrogacy agency would we use. Peter comes up and grabs me from Luke with Ashley still on his hip.

 "Ahh, please guys, leave us alone and be satisfied with Ashley for now. Besides I'm sure Pierce has a few kids that we just don't know about." Peter jokes and Pierce looks up at him. His jet black hair was now platinum blond from being undercover in Korea. Pierce was about to throw the first punch,

 "Everyone, calm down." 

We all look up and see Richard and Tatianna at the top of the stairs hand in hand. 

They were so beautiful and had so much grace that we couldn't turn away.

 The room goes silent as they walk down the stairs towards us and everyone bows.

 "Good morning mother and father!" All of us say and Richard smiles. 

"Good morning my beautiful children. It's always so nice when I finally get to see all of you in one place. You're all getting so old now that it's harder to see you all growing up so fast without reminiscing." Richard sighs and Tatianna rubs his arm a little bit. She smiles at us all like a queen looking down proudly on her kingdom. 

They matched the rest of us but stood out the most. All of the men were dressed in black tuxedos with aqua colored ties that were the Grayson family color. All of the women wore Light blue tulle dresses to match. 

Tatianna claps, "Alright you know the order, Oldest up top, Youngest two at the bottom. But this time I want Peter above Pierce with Joseph." She says and we all obey her orders with Richard and Tatianna to the side and then Jonathan, Linda, Peter, Me, Pierce, Shawn, Luke, Enrique, Ava, Soren, and Ashley all the way at the bottom looking as happy as he could be. 

He was the only grandchild but after the tragic loss of Kaleb, space was always left next to him for where his older brother would have stood.

I drive home with Peter in the passenger seat, staring out the window at a cloudless sky as we make our way back to the house. 

"Is there something on your mind?"

 I ask since he's not usually this quiet when it's just the two of us. He turns to me.

 "Joseph...Do you want children?"

 He asks and I look at him. He was anxiously gauging my response as I turn back to the road. I had never thought about children. I think for the rest of the drive until we reach the house and I park, turning to Peter. 

"Hmm...I never thought about children until today." I tell him honestly and he nods. 

"Me neither. Let's forget about it," he says and gets out of the car. 

I get out too, but stop. "Wait..Peter..."

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