PJ and Ella

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"I wonder what people like us use to do in the old days when the technology like we have today wasn't around," I say as I take a sip of wine on the porch swing which was looking over the cliff to the ocean.

Peter decided to work from home today so he could recover from last night. He laid his head on my lap and leaning against the pillowed armrest. He has his legs pulled up and his screentop going with a bunch of spreadsheets, numbers, lines, and colors I didn't understand. He was only wearing shorts because he didn't like the way his clothes to rubbed against the bandages on his chest and legs.

"I think I read something about how they had surrogates too but only one person was the parent and the surrogate's DNA was in there too. Or they adopted I'm sure." He says and I let the gentle breeze coming in from the ocean sing us back and forth.

"That has to suck that only one of them is the parent and the other one is some stranger," I comment and he shrugs.

"I'm sure they made it work."

Peter plays with a few of the figures and turns them into holograms. Comparing the charts while scratching his chin.

"Do you have any name's in mind?"

I ask and he pauses the hologram. He lays back completely and looks up at my face. He maintains a deep thought and looks up at the sky. I look out at the ocean.

"I want our daughter's name to be just as beautiful as she is but powerful. My sister's Ava and Mia have short names but I've always like the longer ones. I want to name her after the most important person in the world to me and that's you." He says and I kiss his forehead.

"That's sweet but Jose isn't the best name for a little girl," I comment.

"No. Elucillana."

He says and I crack up.

"How does Elucillana have anything to do with me?" I ask as I lean back.

Elucillana was a beautiful name that screamed elegance and authority.

"Ah, we can call her Ella for short because you are my Cinderella. And her middle name can be Unmei because it was fate that brought us together and only fate can tear us apart." He says.

Then goes back to his holograms like what he said has no meaning while I'm over here dying of the cuteness and my heart pounding at the thought of how much he loves me.

"Dutchess Elucillana Unmei Grayson of Bridgeport's Brittanna County. That's beautiful Peter."

It sounds great on the Alohowa tongue.

"Your turn."

He says and I pull out my first Idea.

"I wanted to name our son after all the important men in my life so he can strive to be like them." I start and Peter looks up at me.

"I was thinking of Peter because sometimes when you leave at night I stress about whether or not you'll make it back to me,"

I start to tear up.

"And if something were to happen to you...I want something special to remember you by. James because that's my brother's real name and since our parents died he stepped up and took care of me at only twelve years old. He's a strong man and I want that strength in our son. Then Richard after your father, because he's the most compassionate man I have ever met in my entire life and I can only hope to be half the father he is." I explain while brushing my fingers in his silky black hair.

He stays quiet for a few moments and sighs.

"I fear the day I won't come back home to you." He says.

"The day my eldest brother Jonathan...will have to come to our house and tell you the news." He says and he reaches up, holding my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

"I've been doing this all my life Joseph. I know it's hard to understand but I know what I'm doing. I wish you would worry a little less. I hate stressing you out. I know you stay up until I come home every night that I'm on call." he says and I look away from his beautiful gray eyes.

"How could I not worry about you. I've gotten used to it but that doesn't mean I don't care." I say and he sits up.

I look at him then turn my attention to the bandages from last night. He never tells me exact details and I don't want to know. He comes close to me and holds my head in his hands.

"Joseph...when our babies are born I've decided to retire from fighting. I'll still help out but I won't be on the front lines." He presses his forehead to mine and I close my eyes.

"They won't grow up without me. I won't allow it. I swear this to you. You, Peter Jr and Ella will come before all else."

He says and his lips come close to mine. I can feel his breath against my skin and can smell his sweet scent.

"I don't like Peter Jr. I like PJ a lot better," I say and he continues kissing me.

"That's fine by me,"

he mumbled as I sit in his lap letting him kiss me but then he winces, pulling back and holding his shoulder.

"Ah and for a moment I thought we were eighteen again," I say and he looks down holding his shoulder tight.

"I think I forgot a bullet."

He says and I get up to go grab the tweezers.

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