Suit Up

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This side of the airport had walls made entirely out of glass and everything was in gold with fancy lettering

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This side of the airport had walls made entirely out of glass and everything was in gold with fancy lettering. "This is where I have to leave you, Mr. Walsh. It was nice meeting you and I hope to see more of you in the future. Now, just walk up to that desk on the left and they will escort you to where you need to be." The guard says and turns around, disappearing into the crowd.

Confused I look over to the desk where he pointed to. All it said was 'private flights'. I approach cautiously with fear that they will take one look at me and turn me away.

Was the guard sure I was in the right place?

At the desk, a woman at a screen top looks up at me and smiles.

"Hello, traveler. Your ID please." She says and I flash my wrist with my ID chip to the scanner.

The desk suddenly lights up with images I couldn't quite see and she looks back up at me and leaps off her chair.

"Mr. Walsh!" She says elegantly and courtesies as low as she can.

"My apologies sir, please follow me. Mr. Grayson left specific instructions for your arrival." She says and ushers me to a door behind her desk. Inside there were a series of hallways and corridors. I followed her through until we reached a set of doors.

"Your outfit awaits you. Please change and I will show you to the conference rooms." She says and I just give her an unsure nod as I go into the room.

It was a large bathroom that had another door which opened into the shower. I didn't really need to shower considering I hadn't spent any time in the shop but I did so anyway just to freshen up.

I had no idea where I was going and why I was here but I'm going to trust Peter as I make the most out it.

As I get out of the shower I look but my clothes had disappeared. Confused with only a towel wrapped around my waist I enter the larger bathroom to find my clothes neatly folded and a suit hanging on a rack.

"Umm okay. I'm guessing I have to suit up then." I say to myself but the woman outside scares me and answers back.

"Yes, it was at the request of Mr. Peter Grayson sir."

She says and I look at the suit. It was a light gray and almost looked exactly like the suit Peter wore at the ball. The only exception was the skinny tie was a light gray color and the button down collared shirt was the whitest I had ever seen. I touch it with my hand and it was almost too perfect and crisp. The shoes were black and so shiny I could see myself in them. These clothes were far nicer than anything I had ever owned. On the sink was a pair of gold designer sunglasses and a small mahogany box.

With the designer suit on and adjusted, I look in the mirror and place the sunglasses on top of my head because I didn't want to look stupid. I was shocked by what I saw.

I was so used to seeing a dirty mechanic stained with oil that I never saw a cleaned up version of myself until now.

My dirty blond hair was silky with a shine that reflected the light and my bright green eyes stood out against my tan skin. The gray really brings out my face and I looked fine as hell.

For some strange reason, I have a feeling it's Peter's fantasy to see me dressed up like this.

I pick up the small wooden box, On the box, there was a small note in Peter's hand writing. I can't help but smile and fold the little note into my pocket then open the box. Inside was a beautiful hand crafted screen watch that only the rich and famous have. The watch was a premium silver with small gold accents. On the left as a gold J and the right had a gold G. I look at the screen and was surprised to see the home screen was shaped to look like the clock tower in the palace.

I carefully clasp it on and take a step out of the bathroom.

The escort woman looks at me in shock.

"Oh my, you clean up...well." She says blushing at the sight of me.

She just continues to stare at me with her mouth slightly open and choking on her words. "I mean I was wondering what he saw in you when you came up to the desk but now..." She blubbers and I found her to be quite cringe worthy.

"Ah, can you tell me what my fiance is up to now?" I ask and her eyes open wide as if she suddenly remembers.

"Ah, can you tell me what my fiance is up to now?" I ask and her eyes open wide as if she suddenly remembers

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"Oh, yes! Sorry about that. They must be almost done with their meeting by now." She says and leads me up a set of stairs to the main floor.

The floor was full of small side chairs and tables for the high-class people awaiting their flights. I try not to think much about the fact I still had no clue as to where I was or where I was going and follow the nice lady up another set of stairs and down a long hallway.

At the end of the hallway was a gray door with a metal G on it which I was guessing to be the conference room.

While walking up to the room we could hear were loud bangs and yelling.

"This deal will go south if we don't pull through and refuse to help without a complete take over!" I hear what sounds like Peter yelling through the door.

"Maybe now isn't the best time to go in," I tell my escort and she smiles.

"They do this all the time. Just sneak around the back and you'll be fine."

She says and shoves me into the door before I can say another word.

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