Vulnerable Prince

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Locked in each other's arms, Peter holds me close as if he's scared of letting me go. I closed my eyes as he plays with my now soaking wet, blond hair and nuzzles his head on my shoulder. I had never seen such a soft and almost vulnerable side to him. He was always so tense and serious that I was in shock just to know that he even had a relaxed side.


I mumble knowing he was still awake and unable to sleep.


he mumbles back and I open my eyes again to see him looking at me and blushing a little through his slightly tanned cheeks. His eyes were starting to close on him and in that moment he looked like the perfect picture of innocence but there was something else in his eyes.

"What are you afraid of?"

I ask tiredly and he finally closes his eyes while pulling me even closer.

"That you are nothing but a dreamed figment of my imagination. There is nothing more depressing than fighting for this city without having anything to fight for. You get to a place where you stop caring if you live or die by the end of a fight and it makes giving up and letting them win just that much easier. But ever since you came into my life I feel like I finally have a personal reason to continue fighting and that's so I can come home to you. I don't know if I would still be here without you and I'm terrified by just the thought of losing you."

He admits and sighs. I kiss his soft lips.

"Peter, I am your husband now but I was always and will forever be your soulmate. I'm never going to leave your side even when we die, we will die together because I could never bear to live in a world where you are not in it." I whisper and his mouth forms a small smile.

"So, you're not going to leave me for another man?" He asks, using sarcasm to cover up how he really feels.

"No, and to be perfectly honest I don't think any other man could do half things you can. So you will never be beaten." I say and he laughs a little. 

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