Smashing Pumpkins

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I take in a deep breath. 

Let a deep sigh out. 

But it doesn't help. 

"I get it. You're anxious but that doesn't make it okay for you to pace around the house and make me anxious too." 

Peter says from underneath the second crib in the nursery. He was adjusting the screws because he had no faith in my ability to tighten things. I hold one of Ella's stuffed animals to my chest and sit on the floor, watching him. 

"I know but we could get the call any minute now and then poof, they're here and we are suddenly thrust into this life where it's not just you and me anymore," 

I say and he comes out from under the crib. Carefully putting the wrench to the side. 

"Yes I know you've said this a hundred times, now you have me..." 

A ring I've never heard before comes from Peter's screen watch and the color drains from his face. My heart quickens with fear. His expression goes from fearful to serious. He touches the communicator in his ear. 

"I'm on my..." 

His sentence is interrupted by the sound of a loud boom that I've never heard before and the entire house shakes. Peter stands up and looks at me.

 "I'm sorry." 

were his last words to me.

And it was as if time had slowed as his clothing morphed with the bright red Next Generation star emblazed on his chest. 

I knew this time was different when he touched my shoulder.

I woke up to pitch black darkness.

 My eyes were in a foggy haze as I rub them to try to make sense of things. I looked around me and as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was in the attic.


 I hear a woman yell. 


 People were screaming my name throughout the house and I try to get my head in order.

 "I'm up here!" I yell back and I can hear running up the stairs. 

I crawl out of the crawl space and into the light.

 "Joseph! Oh, thank god!" Tatianna gets down on her knees and holds me close to her like I was one of her precious sons.

 Nash runs into the room and joins her holding my shoulders and hugging me. 

I just hold my head. Feeling a small lump from when I hit the ground. I don't remember hitting the ground though. 

"We have to go." It sounded like Peter but when I looked up it was Jonathan.

 There were so many things happening all at once. My head starts to pound and I get this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

Then I remember. 

I look up at Jonathan and see his eyes. He's here. 

" no no no....NO!" 

JP {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now