Happily Never After

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"I, king Shawn Rupert Grayson of the Island of Bridgeport along with my wife Queen Leilani would like to share our condolences with our Mo'omeheu people. The world falls silent in respect for those mourning the tragic loss caused by several terrorist attacks on our island. Let this bring us together as one to fight for our rights as a country and its citizens during these next trying days as we rebuild."

The hospital's Holo Screen projectors broadcast King Shawn's speech as he grips the podium tightly. He pauses with his head down and the queen places her hand over his with a few tears running down her cheeks. He turns around and walks back into the palace and the news feeds interrupt. "Bridgeport's beloved Grayson family in crisis..." All the screen projections in the small room and hallway turn off at once.

I look up to see Ava take her hand off of her screen watch. "It's Peter's invention... I couldn't take it anymore. They talk about our family like they are apart of it when in reality they don't know...they don't know!" Ava screams and Tatianna grabs her and holds her close. "Shhh, sweetheart." She tries to calm her down but Ava kept screaming and crying. I was huddled in the corner keeping to myself. My heart was filled with more pain than I had ever felt before. Nash sat next to me and made sure I was still breathing while I stared out at a dead, lifeless planet. I felt numb to everything and my heart was broken. My mind went blank.

I'm told there were five explosions set off throughout the island at the same time. One in the center of downtown which destroyed my brother's garage. One at the royal palace, which Shawn was warned by the strange ringing and saved his wife just in time. One was set off at Bridgeport's only private school killing and injuring hundreds of children and teachers. One at an airport. And one at this very hospital. Then individual evil people ran around the town trying to destroy the city further when Next Generation caught up with them and took each and every one of them down. However, a sixth explosion was set to go off at the Grayson Mansion. With only Soren and Ava inside Peter and Enrique got to the mansion first and got them out. The explosion went off. Peter was called to the city after hearing word of another explosion in the elementary school. My husband and his brother saved all of the children and staff at the school but were caught in the blast.

He had knocked me out with just a pinch and put me in the attic to keep me safe.

While I was out cold my husband and his family were fighting for their lives and the lives of everyone else on this damn island. I think of his face in my lap just a few weeks earlier but it seemed like yesterday. This island doesn't deserve him.

They don't deserve the Grayson's or the Karasuma's.

And they certainly don't deserve my Peter. I look up and see Pierce and Luke huddled together. Only they could feel the other's pain. I look at Pierce. The eyes, the hair, the intensity. He was so identical to Peter that it hurts to look at him. So I continue to stare at the lifeless plant.

Mia rushes into the room. Her gown from surgery still bloodied and out of breath. We all stand. "They're alive." She says and sighs of relief are spread throughout the room but my heart still feels sore and uneasy. I walk to the center of the circle and face her. We look at each other eye to eye. "How bad is he," I demand and the room quiets.

"He's alive. But there will be some...adjustments."

I watch him breathe from the ventilator. Peter is in a coma. His left leg had been too mangled to salvage and was amputated in surgery. But that was the worst of it. Pierce and I stand together. He grabs my hand and squeezes it but we both stay silent for a few minutes. "My brother has been through a lot these past few years but this will be the worst thing he's ever had to go through. But I believe he will be okay as long as he has you by his side and is no longer alone." Pierce says. I continue to stay quiet as I see the task ahead of me.

Tatianna walks into the room with Richard holding her shoulder and She looks at Peter. Gasping she tries a hand covers her mouth as she lets out a mangled scream that causes the tears in my eyes to start falling again.

There is nothing quite like the scream of a mother discovering the body of her dying child.

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