Joseph Gideon Grayson

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The nitro-cycle zooms through the streets of Bridgeport and I hang onto Peter's waist for dear life with my helmet pressed against his back. I look in his side mirror to see his smirking smile. We stop at a light and he turns to me for a moment. 

"We should do this more often. I like it when you cling to me." He says and I feel myself blushing, his smile growing.

 The light turns a bright blue and he goes so fast that it's almost as if we're flying through the city. Whenever we stop or drive past crowds of people they stare at us and take pictures using screen phones. The girls and some boys squeal at just the sight of Peter and I together, shouting out ship name of Jope.

 I smile at them while Peter ignores them like the serious man he is.

 "We have fans you know." I poke him while we were at another red light and he looks at me.

 "You should see the fan fiction, it's way more interesting than our actual day to day life," I add and he raises an eyebrow. 

"Seriously good stuff, I think they make you out to be far too emotional though," I say and he shakes his head. 

"Don't feed the beast." he groans and I laugh. "Well you may dislike it but I find it adorable. And I really think you should take tips from the fan fiction Peter, his dates are far more exciting." I laugh harder, almost falling off when the light turns green after forgetting to hold on as he zooms ahead, clocking almost 120 kph. 

I can see him smirking and shaking his head as we reach the large wrought iron fence with two large 'G's twisted into the design and placed on the entrance fences. 

He scans his wrist at the small hidden scanner which looked like a small clay pillar. 

"Welcome back Peter."

 It says and he continues driving while I was amazed at the amount of technology in such a tiny pillar.

"So Joseph Gideon Grayson, how are you feeling about being so popular now that everyone knows?" He asks as we drive onto a private road. 

"Why do I have to be Grayson when we marry? Why can't you be a Walsh?" I ask jokingly and he stops the nitro-cycle. 

The road we were driving on was lined with cherry blossoms in full bloom. It was beautiful. But he stretches his back and looks at me. 

"Peter Pierce Walsh. would take some getting use too." He says seriously and I shake my head.

 "No Peter Pierce Grayson suits you so much better," I say and he smiles.

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