The Grayson Charm

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The room was separated into two rooms by a small half wall and I instantly duck down to avoid being seen

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The room was separated into two rooms by a small half wall and I instantly duck down to avoid being seen. On this half of the room were four lounge chairs and a small coffee table. The other half sat a large conference table where Peter and his brothers were having a meeting. Glass came up from the half wall and separated the room.

 A woman with long blond hair and bright blue eyes looks at me and smiles with ultimate delight. She's on my side of the room and gestures me to come closer.

 When I do she gently whispers 

"It's a one-way window. They can't see us."

 She says and I breathe a small sigh of relief. 

"I didn't want to interrupt," I whisper back and she shakes her head licking her ruby red lips. 

"They do this all the time. It's how they get their point across to each other since there are so many of them. Only five of them run the company now. Imagine when it's all nine?" She giggles a little bit and I shake my head in shock and confusion.

 "I'm Linda by the way, Jonathan's wife. It's so nice to have another spouse here. I finally have someone to talk to." she says with such happiness that I couldn't help but smile. 

"Oh, you're so cute. Wait until Peter sees you! He's been so anxious all day and checking in with people nonstop about your whereabouts to make sure you got here on time and safely. His brothers really chewed him out though over getting engaged without introducing you to the family for some kind of approval. He said he asked your brother and that was all that mattered! Oh, who knew he would become such a romantic at heart? You've changed him so much."

 She continues to talk nonstop and I try to soak in all the information she was spitting out as fast as possible.

 Finally, the Grayson brothers stop fighting and I stand. Linda stands beside me and nods to me, "Guys guess who's here!"

They enter the room and my breath is instantly taken away. Peter rushes over in a fitted dark gray suit and navy tie. He grabs me and hugs me tight. 

"Joseph! You made it alive!" 

he says and I only nod while slightly tilting my head to see his three brothers and one sister standing behind him, their arms crossed with serious expressions. 

"Oh, yes wait a moment." Peter turns around and stands in front of me almost to protect me from the wrath of his siblings.

 "Okay, so these are about half of my siblings. There's Jonathan, my twin Pierce, Shawn, and my eldest sister Mia," he says and I shake all of the brother's hands but kiss Mia's hand as a gentleman is supposed to.

 I step back and they look at me in a very intimidating manner.

 Peter just rolls his eyes and Jonathan loosens up and smiles at me. 

"Ah, Joseph we're just messing with you. Welcome to the family. Peter is the last brother I worry about when it comes to picking someone to marry." He says as he pats me on the back. The rest of them smile too. 

"So you're the reason why my brother gets more than an hour in the sunlight now," Pierce says with a stare that is eerily familiar to Peter's. 

"He uses to spend all his time in his workshop playing with his inventions and now he spends it chasing after you," Mia adds as she sits down next to Linda. 

They were all such kind and beautiful people. I could see why they were so well liked. Not a single one had the spoiled heir type of personality like other company owners, I wonder why. 

"You guys are scaring him," Peter says as he gently tucks my hand into his and I look at him. 

"I never thought Peter would be one to talk about me. I'm not scared just in shock is all." I say with a soft smile. They all laugh. 

"This man doesn't even know the half of it," Mia says while shaking her head and rubbing her temple with one finger.

"He talks about you non-stop. And after he told our parents and our family the story of how you two met and why you're engaged. Oh, the drama he added." Shawn says and I can tell he's the youngest at fourteen. "I can imagine." I laugh. 

"I feel sorry for you considering the fact you're going to have to spend the rest of our life with him. I spent almost twenty years with this man and it's not easy I tell you." 

Pierce says and the tension that was in the room when I walked in has now disappeared.

The escort woman appears and walks into the room with seven other women.

 "You're private jets are ready. Please come with us." 

Is all they say and we file out of the room together. Jonathan puts his arm around Linda and she holds my arm for a minute. 

"We'll see each other when we get back okay?" she says and I nod as we head downstairs and onto the tarmac. 

The wind makes our ties flail and the Grayson siblings face each other once more. "Well, you all know what your job is. I want a conference call set up when Peter reaches his destination since his flight will be the longest." Jonathan says and they all nod. 

I pull down my sunglasses and follow Peter as he holds my hand and we follow the flight escort to his jet. 

"What are we doing and where are we going, hun?" I finally ask him and he smiles as we climb up the stairs.

 "Why, America of course."

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