Charming's Secret

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"And once again the villains were stopped by our masked vigilantes Next Generation! We even have live footage from the fight that The Ring Master put out against them!" newscaster says with great excitement. 

The Screen tv broadcast a hologram on our coffee table as I relax on the couch with my screen top looking at the financial analysis of Grayson Enterprises. I was working my way up in the company and going to college to major in finance with a minor accounting so I could help Peter as much as possible.

 "Turn it off."

 Peter groans from the other half of the couch. I had him tucked in with a box of tissues next to him and an ice pack on his forehead. He was dealing with the fever since he came home last night and I was taking care of him. 

I look over at the hologram which showed a Next Generation member being attacked by a large robotic tiger. 

"Is that...." 

I watch closely and see the man has a large staff and sticks it to the ground then kicks off of it and into the tiger's chest with enough force to make them both fall back. I sit up and expand the fight by spreading my arms out. 

Peter turns over, not wanting to see.

 "Their form is so amazing that even top experts in the art of fighting can't come close to the amount of power they hold. Isn't he so dreamy!" The newscaster says and his female co-star agrees with him.

 The NG man picks up the staff and it turns into a sword as he leaps into the air with the robotic tiger approaching and slices the head off in one swift circular motion. I lower the volume as the fight continues but stop watching to look at Peter.

 He was blushing and I couldn't tell if it was the fever or the fight.

 "Peter, I've never seen you fight before,"

 I say in a state of shock and crawl on top of the pile of blankets that had become my Peter as he hides from me. I uncover his face and he looks at me with a serious expression. I squeal with my hands clapped against my cheeks. 

"It was so awesome! You're amazing! I'm your number one fan!" I squeak and he rolls his eyes. "You're such a badass! I wish I could be more like you." I sigh dreamily as I lean back, away from his face and he shakes his head.

 "What? Why not?!" He continues shaking his head and eyes me. I fix my glasses and he pulls his arms out from under the blanket, grabbing my hips.

 "There can only be one badass in this house." He says with his voice cracking from being so ill. 

"Aww, but don't you wish you had a cooler husband instead of some scrawny dweeb like me? Like with a nice twelve pack of abs and manlier features?" I ask while attempting to flex my imaginary muscles and he shakes his head.

 "No, I love you just the way you are." He says and I roll my eyes. 

"You don't need big muscles to be attractive. You just have to keep being Joseph." He says flicking my forehead and smiles at me. I take off my glasses and put them on the coffee table. 

"You're better than me in every way possible." I joke but on the inside, it was how I really felt. Peter pulls his hands up from my waist to my chest and pulls me to him. With my head on his chest, he sighs deeply. 

"Even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it we always balance each other out. It's one of the many reasons why I love you so much." He mumbled while coughing and I smile.

 I suddenly remember that he's sick and yank myself backward, rolling off the couch.

 Peter looks at me with an eyebrow raised then laughs. 

"You are a pathological contagion! I must stay away!"

 I say while putting my mask back on and super sanitizing my hands and face. I pull the blankets back up to his chin and kiss his forehead through the mask. 

"Joseph, a day without your kisses is more than I can stand," Peter whispers.

 I wipe the sweat from his brow with a tissue as he shivers and sniffles. He gives me a look with his bright gray eyes pleading. I shake the idea from my head.

 "I can't get sick Peter, I have work to do," I say and he groans in disappointment. 

"But I'm your boss! If you get sick I'll just give you a week off." he moans and looks at me again, trying to make me feel guilty. 

"Why are you so cute?" I mumble as I take off his mask and give him a single long kiss.

JP {BoyxBoy}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu