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De'arrea pov

I looked in the mirror at how amazing my hair look. I just wanted to cry. I look so fine. I wanted to try something new, so I dyed my hair red. I wanted short hair but didn't want actually cut my real hair so bought some hair bundles from the store and dyed them red also. My mom's friend help me install them in and she did a good job doing it too.

"You like it don't you? " mom asked. I smiled and nodded my head. After admiring myself in the mirror for about an hour I went to go get dressed. Algee and I we're on good terms, he apologized for being a little too rough on me yesterday. I accepted his apology and we started over. We talked on the phone for hours. I just can't wait to see his and Janet reaction when they see my hair.

I took pictures posting them on my Snapchat. After taking a shower I kept getting messages from everybody saying I was beautiful and that the color fit my skin tone.

I threw on my long skin tight black dress that has a spit on the left side shower my whole left leg. I put on make up and a little bit of perfume. I called up my best friend to see if she's ready. She told me she won't be getting ready till 5 . It was 4:34 pm and the party don't start till 7.

BFFL👭🔒: ima get ready at 5.

ME: Why get ready so late?? Lol

BFFL👭🔒: lol idk. I'm just feeling lazy right now. How's the hair? "

Me: lol ugh lazy behind. But my hair is AMAZING! 😍. LOL

BFFL👭🔒: aweee I can vision it already💚. Well ima get ready now . Ttyl bestfriend

Me: lol bye bestie

I threw my phone on the bed and started playing in my hair. I got a feeling that time finna go by slow. Mom asked me if I wanted to go with her to get something to eat, even though I wasn't hungry I still went. I grabbed my phone and purse rushing out the door. We both got in to the car heading to checkers. Me and Janet always use to eat here. I love the wings here. Even though I wasn't gonna eat anything I ended up eating some wings and fries. I wiped my hands and reached down in my purse grabbing my phone and quickly answered it. It was Algee. My heart started racing again . I didn't even say hello I just held the phone up to my ear. "Dee? " he said. "Yes? " I answered slowly. He asked me how my day was going and was I still going to the party. Why would he even ask if I was still going?. Of course I am. I didn't get this sexy for nothing. We exchanged a few more words before hanging up. Mom stood up getting ready to leave because it was getting late. I followed her to the car and we left heading back to the car. I hung around the house for 30 more minutes. It was 7:32 and I wanted to wait till 8:30 so that it can be pack when I make an entrance. I then rushed out the house heading over to the party. I'm so nervous. A lot of people are going to be there including Algee. I pulled up to the neighborhood trying to find a parking space. It was so packed, I ended up parking 7 houses down. Luckily this house was abandoned. I jumped out the car walking towards the house. The music was loud and I can smell the food way out here. Damn it... I already ate. I dusted off my heels and took a deep breath before opening the door. It was pack. I made my way over to the kitchen so that I can make a phone call. The place was amazing like damn I did a good job. "Aye?. You look so fine tonight" a guy said to me. We was almost the same height but he was a lil taller than me by an inch. He had dreads that was up in a bun and a nice tape to finish. He smiled at me showing off his gold grills. I gave him a smile before looking down at my phone. "You wanna dance or something? " he said. I looked at the crowd then at him. "Uhh I can't actually.. " I said trying to walk off. He grabbed my arm pulling me back. "Please don't do me like that. Look they playing my favorite song" he said. I huffed and we both made our way to the crowd. He pulled me close to him wrapping his arms around my hips and wrapped my arms around his neck and we danced but only for 20 minutes. I pulled away from him when I seen Janet and her cousins including algee sitting on the couch. I shoved the guy out my way walking through the crowd towards Janet. They all was in shock when they saw me. Especially Janet. "Yessss girl! " she yelled. I laughed bringing her into a tight hug. "You're so sexy. Oh my my my" she said. I twirled around showing off my curves. "Thank you bestie" I yelled through the loud music. I looked over at Algee. He smiled at me and I pulled him into a hug. "You're so beautiful tonight" he said. I thanked him. We all made our way to the kitchen and sat a the table. Algee scooted his chair close to mine which caused more attention to Janet.

"So y'all a thing now? " she said laughing. I rolled my eyes turning my head towards Algee. "Nope. Not yet " algee said. I arched my eyebrows up at him. He reached over me grabbing the roses off the table and handed it to me.

"De'arrea ? Will you please go out with me? " he asked. I was shock. Janet started cheering and clapping causing me to laugh. I didn't know what to say. I looked up at him and nodded. "Yes" I said. He pulled me up giving me a hug. "Awe! " Janet said. I stuck a middle finger at her behind algee's back. After a few minutes Janet left into the crowd. Me and Algee went out into the dance floor and started dancing. The song called yeah by usher came on. He grabbed my hand and spun me around. My back was facing him. He put his chin in my neck singing to the song.

"Next thing I knew, she all up on me screaming yeah, yeah, yeah,"
He sung. I smiled and began grinding on him. He gripped my hips tighter as I was grinding up against his private part. After the song finished I pulled away from his grip. The party was fun but towards the end it got a little crazy here and there. We ate, danced, had a few drinks. Thanks a lot to Janet I tried Henny for the first time, it was strong and nasty I'm never drinking that again. Me and janet took pictures at the party. She's my other half. I love her so much.

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