Chapter 22

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Algee pov

There I was. On my knees. I was still sitting in the driveway with blood all over my hands and spots of it on my shirt. I watched them carry dee on a four wheel stretcher rolling her to the helicopter. She was air lifted. The police handcuffed Janet. They had a hard time with her. "Get off of me ! I know my rights!" She yelled. One of the cops struggled putting her into the car so two more rushed over to help. "You have the rights to remain silent-" one of them say. "Fuck your rights. Get my lawyer on the phone!" She continued. They finally got her in the car. Keith and Jacob  stood over me. I stood up looking Jacob's way. "Y'all can leave" I said. I got into my car heading to the hospital dee was heading too. So many thoughts was skipping through my head. I was doing a 70 in a 35. At this point I didn't care about shit. My baby momma kept calling over and over. My hands were shaking, I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I pulled up to the hospital 20 minutes later running inside. I looked around then headed to the front desk. "Excuse me!" I said out of breath. The women turned to me. "How can I help you?" She said. She then looked at the dried blood on my hands and shirt. "Are you okay? Do you need medical attention! Can you breath sir! It looks as if you've been shot. Wait here I'll get help!" She said jumping out of her seat. "Ma'am no! I wasn't shot. My girl was! Please I need to know what room she's in!" I yelled. "What's her name ?" She said sitting. "Dearrea Charles". The lady started clicking and searching into her computer. "She's here but I'm afraid I can't let you see her now." She said.

"Why not!"

"Sir please take a seat we'll keep you updated on her in a little okay?"

"Can you just tell me what room she's in I need to know!" 

"I'm afraid I can't do that, go have a seat!"

"Fuck!" I yelled walking out the door. I snatched open my car door getting in. I rested my head on the steering wheel hoping and praying she's okay. I started the car so I can go park it. It's really late and I was tired hungry and depressed. It's 1 in the morning. I saw dee's mom and other family members running inside. They are gonna blame me for it I bet. But at this point, I'm too tired To care. So I got out and followed them inside. When I got inside they were arguing at the front desk.

"I wanna know where's my child! Where is she ? Is she okay?" The mother yelled. I sat down and waited about 8 minutes later they all sat about 10 seats away from me. I can feel her mother staring at me in the corner of my eye. I didn't look. Just a split second she wrapped her hands around my neck. " how could you let this happened!" She yelled.  I started kicking and shoving trying to get her off of me as I was gasping for air. 2 polices and her family came grabbing her off me. I fell to the ground coughing. This crazy son of a bitch really tried to kill me. In the damn hospital. In front of the damn officers.

"Calm down !" One of dearrea aunts say.

"We need answers!" Her mom yelled

"What happened?"

I stood up dusting my hands.

"She was shot. By my cousin" I said walking towards them.

"Janet?" The mom said. She was in disbelief, she grew up with Janet's mom. Never in her life thought Janet would do something like this.

"Yeah. It happened so quick. I was in the house packing. Just a split second. I heard a gun shot. So I ran outside, and there was dee. Laying there trying to catch her breath. I held her in my arms. I tried everything to stop the blood from bleeding out."
Dee's mom began crying. So did her aunt and her half sister. I pulled her mom into a hug and held onto her letting her know that everything's going to be alright.

"Ms. Charles?" A doctor called out. She pulled away rushing towards the doctor.

"Um. Dearrea is in stable right now. She's doing fine her vitals are okay. We are un able to remove the bullet because it traveled to her spin. If we somehow remove it, she'll be permanently paralyzed from the neck down. But she's doing fine and she's on her way to recovery. Oh yeah I almost forgot, she's 2 weeks pregnant and luckily the baby wasn't in any harm. There's still a heart beat and the baby is still in good position. Congratulations He said putting a hand on my shoulder. my eyes widen And all eyes was on me. Next thing you know I passed out. Two kids on the way. What the hell. The question i wanna know is...Is it mine.

" I don't need you in the kitchen when I cook" Danielle said. I rolled my eyes and sat at the table.  I was so anxious to tell her that I don't want to be with her anymore and that I was in love with dearrea. She didn't give me a chance. She kept going on and on about her problems at her job. Dee kicked me out the house but I told her that was my house my mom gave me, and I had to let her know if She don't let me move in, ima let my mom know and she'll be on the streets. She agreed that I stay but I can't sleep in the same anymore and that I can't say anything to her. After the food was ready. She made my plate and and sat next to me. I wasn't hungry. I grabbed the fork and scrolled it around the food. I can't stop thinking about how I hurt dee.

"What's wrong ?" She asked.

"Can I talk to you about something?"

"What is it papi ?"

"I'm in love with somebody else."

Right after I said that, she chased me around the house with a pot of hot beans and a knife.

"Are you crazy! Why ? Huh? Why wait till you knock me up to tell me. I can't believe you. desearía nunca encontrarte perra!!" She said.  She continued to curse me out in Spanish but I didn't understand a word.

"estúpida perra tu feo hijo de puta. no tienes mierda y tu mamá no tiene nada por tener tu culo punk!!"

She said waving her knife in my face.

"Did you just called me a stupid punk?" I said as I kept shoving her back. She kept trying to attack me with the knife. I grabbed the pot and knife returning to the kitchen. She's 3 months pregnant. And she's stressing. I sat in the front part of the house thinking about Dee. I've been calling and checking up on her to see how she's been but she changed her number. She broke up with me right after she got out the hospital.  She also told me she don't want me around her and my unborn child. That's crazy. I wanted to go see her. I took s shower and got ready. I made my way out of Danielle's house and got into my car. I headed to my house. Just as I reached the door there was a note taped to it along with a key.

I hope you and that Spanish bitch have a great life. You made it clear that I wasn't enough. But I just Wanted to let you know I moving to California and that's where I'm staying till I dropped this baby. Starting a new life and everything. You did me wrong and you know that. Here's the key. I hope you enjoy yourself. Don't bother looking for me either. Bye nigga.

I balled up the paper tossing it to the ground . "Fuck!" I yelled as I accidentally kicked the door.

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