chapter 9

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"Hey babe ?" Dee whispered. I turned my body towards her and wrapped my arms around her body. "Bae it's time to get up" she said. She removed my arms From around her and stood up making her way into the bathroom. I moaned not wanting to get up at all. It was literally 4 in the morning and Janet was coming back down here to visit. She's also bringing her baby daddy. I heard the shower running. I sat up on the edge of the bed yawning and stretching. I got up and went into the bathroom De'arrea  was in. I grabbed my tooth brush rinsing it off in the sink before using it. "Oh my gosh babe yesterday was terrific! " she said through the shower glass. I spit into the sink before laughing. "I told you, you was gonna like it" . I said before pouring mouth wash into my mouth. I asked her if she wanted to do it again next week. But she said she wants to wait 2 months. I know she's not gon' last when I'm around, cause I'll make her beg for it again tonight..


After our daily routine we got into the car heading to the airport where janet and her man were. 40 minutes later we pulled up to the airport. I sat and waited for janet. Algee was drifting off to sleep. I stared at him while thinking bout last night. I can't believe I'm not a virgin anymore. Janet is gonna freak if I tell her. I stared at his eyes as it fluttered. My phone went off which made his eyes open. I picked up and stood out the car looking around for her. "Girl where are you? " janet said through the phone. I kept looking around. "I'm right by the entrance. " I said. She said she just left the baggage claim and will be heading outside. I sat in the car with one leg hanging out car. I then saw a guy carrying a luggage that look exactly like janet's luggage. That must be her baby daddy. He looked like algee a little. I stood out the car waving my arms to get his attention. "You must be janet's baby daddy? " I said. He stared at me for 5 seconds before nodding his head. He followed me to the back of the car. I opened my trunk and he slowly laid the luggage into the trunk. He ran back inside. 3 minutes later he came back holding janet's hand while holding another luggage in the other hand. Janet stomach was the size of an actual basket ball. What the hell. I raced towards her giving her a hug. "Oh my god girl you look so beautiful. Your hair is blonde now." She said to me. I smiled. The guy shut the trunk and helped Janet get into the car. I got into the car and waited till everybody was in. I started the car and drove leaving the airport. We went by McDonald's drive-thru to get something to eat before heading to my house. We all got out heading to the door. "Place is so beautiful in person " janet said. We all sat at the table laying our food out on the table and grabbing what was ours. "Oh. Um this is my boyfriend slash baby daddy Jacob, and Jacob this is my best friend De'arrea  but you can call her Dee and that's my cousin Algee which is Dee boyfriend. " Janet said introducing us. "Hey what's up" Jacob said softly. We all began to eat. I showed janet and Jacob where they'll be sleeping tonight. I left them alone giving them some time to unpack and rest.

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