Chapter 21

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Dearrea pov

It was 10:45pm and I was still sitting outside. I heard the door creek open but I was too ashamed that I didn't turn around to see who it was.

"Hey," a voice came out. It was Keith. He came and sat beside me. "Algee came and talked to me" he said. I looked his way and he smiled. "What did he say?" I asked. He told me that algee just wanted some answers and wanted to see what he has to say. "I told him it wasn't true and that I didn't do anything with you. I had to come up with a lie and said that I was watching tv and a sex scene came on and that it wasn't you moaning on the phone. " he said. "And? I bet he didn't believe that story" I said. He stood up and folded his arms. "He did believed it. I told him you didn't want to be around me so you stayed in your room ever since. He asked me why I told him you was out with him and I told him that I didn't see you all day so I assumed. " he said. I got up dusting myself off. He believed it?. Wow. That's crazy. My heart was racing and my hormones were all over the place. I need sex and I need it now. Wish these 48 hours would just go by already I don't want to be horny like this forever. Me and Keith walked back inside. Keith went to go play with Janet's baby. Jacob and Janet was talking and cuddling as usual. She haven't said anything to me since she got here. I don't care, I went looking for algee who was upstairs laying in bed texting like always. I quietly walked inside closing the door. He looked over at me and threw his phone down. "Hey." I said sitting on the edge of the bed. "What's up" he said. He got up and sat and next to me.

"I apologize for accusing you like that"

"It's okay. I understand."

"There's something I want to tell you. Whatever I'm about to say is going to most definitely ruin our relationship forever."


"Look dee, I love you and I want to marry you and have kids but.. I um."

I stood up folding my arms. I started shaking. Cause I had so many thoughts in my head.

"Algee What is you talking about"

"Look sit. Look dee I'm sorry. Please don't leave me. Everybody makes mistakes"

"Algee What ? Tell me!"

I sat down and crossed my arm.

He stood up and hugged me. My body was in heat. I hugged him back kissing all over him. I want him so much. I just want to do it. I forgot all about what he was going to tell me. I started ripping off his shirt. He was confused as to what was going on. "Baby What is you doing?" He whispered. I continued ripping his clothes off. He gave in. We was at it for about an hour. I ain't care who was in the house. Everything was blocked out. I knew for a fact he nutted about 4 times already. He got off me but I rolled over and got on top of him. "Dee?  No more!" He said yanking me off. I held on to him and started riding him again. "Dee stop. For real dee. What is you on?!" He said. He threw me off him and got up. I watched him put on his clothes. "Dee what is up with you for real?" He asked. I ain't say nothing. I just threw on my clothes. I saw a shadow under my door.  When I noticed it I walked to the door and the shadow took off just as I opened the door I seen Keith go running running downstairs. I shook my head. I wonder was he standing here the whole time.

"What you wanted to tell me?"

"Uh Nothing. "

"Tell me"

"No dee. I love you too much to loose you"

"Let me see your phone" I grabbed his phone from off the bed.

"NO! Dee please give me my phone back!" He yelled. He chased me all around the room for it. I ran out to the hall and into the bathroom locking the door behind me. He started banging on the door really hard. I want to know what he got to hide. I unlocked his phone and navigate to the messages. My eyes widen and my heart stopped. "De'arrea! Open up the door! Please I don't want you to do this! What you about to see..." he continued. I was reading messages from between him and this Spanish bitch. There were pictures of them together in a hotel and in the shower. What really broke my heart was when the bitch sent him several pictures of an ultrasound. She's pregnant. And he's the father. We both had secrets. I mean it wasn't my fault I had sex with Keith, I was drugged I couldn't help myself. I didn't do it on purpose. He has a whole relationship with her. So those days when he was in the hotel, he was with that bitch. Tears fell down my face. My heart is broken forever. I love him and this is what he do to me. Wow. I opened the door and everybody was sitting out the door wondering what was going on. "Dee, I'm sorry!" Algee yelled. I wiped my tears and looked down at the phone. " you sorry?  That's it? How could you do this to me Algee! Why!" I threw the phone at his face with force. He jerked back covering his mouth. "Aye don't throw no damn phone at him like that!" Janet yelled. "Fuck you ! And him!" I yelled. "You better watch yo fucking mouth dee! Real shit!" She continued. I stepped up to her with a straight face. " or what!" I said. She slapped me. My eye began to water as the pain stung my cheek. I grabbed her hair and began beating her face in right in front of her child. Jacob and algee jumped in pulling us apart. Keith stood there while holding the baby. "You're a whore! You slept with Keith! I know you did. I heard you ! You ticking liar. You cheated!" Janet yelled. "So what! This nigga got another bitch pregnant! He was in a whole new relationship with the bitch!" I yelled back as tears began falling from my eyes. I took out my bun and re did it. I rushed in my room throwing on one of algee's boxers before heading downstairs. I grabbed jacob's and Janet's luggage's and tossed them right out the door along with the baby's shit. They all came downstairs. "Get out my fucking house bitch!" I yelled continuously throwing there things out. " did you just tossed my baby car seat out the door like that?" Janet said while wrapping her hair up. "You, yo man and that baby get the fuck out!" I said. She ran up on me grabbing my hair and dragging me out the door and threw a couple of punches at me. I stood up and kicked her in the stomach and also threw punches at her. I even picked up the car seat tossing it at her. She was angry. She held the car seat in her hand and put it in her car. She put all the luggages and bags tossing them in the car also. "Give me my fucking baby" she whispered snatching the baby from Keith. They all got into the car. "Cmon Keith" Jacob said. "He's not going with us!" Janet said. "That's my fucking brother I'm not leaving him down here! Get in the car go grab yo shit and get in Keith". Keith rushed inside packing his things. So was algee. I looked over st the baby bottles sitting on my table. I grabbed them and walked back outside throwing them. Some how it one of them bust the glass to the door. "She got me fucked up!" Janet said reaching into her glove department. She grabbed the gun jumping out of the car. She aimed it at me and pulled the trigger. The bullet traveled hitting me in the stomach. I fell to the ground. "Oh shit! Janet what did you do!" Jacob yelled. Algee came running out when he heard the gun go off. He ran beside me with tears flowing down his face. " call 911! Call it !!" He yelled. I couldn't hold my eyes open much longer.  About 20 seconds later i was out.

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