chapter 10

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"Hey. " Jacob whispered. I opened my eyes as Jacob sat by the bed with his hand on my stomach. "What? What is you doing? " I whispered he grabbed my hand laying it on my stomach. "You feel that? " he said. I smiled and sat up in bed. "It's kicking" he said with a wide smile on his face. He was right. The baby Is kicking. It was 5 in the morning when Jacob woke me up. He climbed in bed kissing on my stomach as always before Going back to bed. I laid my head on his chest drifting off to sleep.


I woke up climbing out of bed slowly walking to the bathroom. I tilt my head in the toilet and started throwing up. Felt like my insides were about to come up as well. I sat up against the bathroom wall rubbing my stomach. I was in the bathroom for almost 2 hours. I laid down on the cold floor not wanting to get up. I can't wait to have this baby. Only 4 more months to go. About 14 minutes later I fell asleep.

"Janet? Janet! " Jacob yelled. My eyes fluttered open and all I could see is Jacob's blurry face. He pulled me up and my eyes adjusted to the light. He guided me out the bathroom and laid me on the bed. "You okay? " he asked. I nodded. "I'm fine Jacob I'm just hungry " I said. He helped me on my feet and we began making our way downstairs. "Good morning love birds" Dee said preparing breakfast. "Good morning girl " I said sitting on the stool between Jacob and Algee. The food smell so good that it made me hungrier. She cooked sausages, pancakes, waffles, grits, eggs and bacon. She passed our plates around. I said my grace and began eating. Jacob took all my bacon and sausages from my plate. "What is you doing Jacob! " I wined. "No you not suppose to be eating this" he said. I folded my arms looking down at my plate. I finished everything and saved my bacon and sausages for last but Jacob took them. Algee tried not to laugh, I turned to him and slapped the back of his head. "I want you to say something " I whispered to him. He rolled his eyes and continued eating. After breakfast Algee and Jacob was suppose to go hang out and get to know each other more. 12 minutes later they left the house. I sat on the couch next to Dee.

"So. How many months are you? " Dee asked.

"Im five months and It's a girl."

Dee smiled running her hands all on my stomach.

"Wow. I can't believe My best friend is pregnant. After all them years of saying you don't want any children and now look at you" she said laughing.

"I know girl, I'm still saying it. it's just. He wanted it.. Enough about me.. So did you loose your virginity yet? " I asked. Her body tensed up and she looked away. I know that's a yes. I smiled. "You did?  Oh my gosh girl finally! " I said hugging her.

"No I didn't janet. Not yet. "

"Stop lying Dee yes you did"

"No janet" she said

"Hmm..Well why did Algee told me that then" I said lying through my teeth to see if she'll admit it.

"He did?. Ugh he talk too much" she said. I laughed pointing my finger at her. "Ha!  You admit it. Algee didn't tell me nothing !" I said laughing. She rolled her eyes and smiled. I told her to tell me everything, every detail what position and all. I was glad to come stay at Dee house for the weekend. I wanted to stay longer but Jacob has to work. We talked and talked waiting for the boys to come back. Dee went into the kitchen to whip up some fried oreos. They were so good. She made about 2 dozen of them. I ate about 6 and she could only eat 4. "Dee I'm so nervous" I said to her. "For what? " she asked. I was nervous about the pain I'm going to be going through in a few months. Im so scared. Its bad enough I have to deal with this baby inside of me moving everywhere, kicking and shit. Dee calmed me down and told me I was gonna be fine. I bit into another fried Oreo and quickly jumped when I heard the doorbell. Dee got up to go retrieve it. And of course it was Al and Jacob. They had bags. I tried standing up to help them with the bags but Jacob told me no. He been treating me like an disabled person since my stomach expand. After they put up the stuff Jacob sat next to me. He grabbed a fried Oreo dumping it into his mouth. "Mmh. They so good. " he said
"Yeah I made them" dee said smiling. He looked over at her and smiled at her for about 5 seconds. I gripped his leg getting his attention. Algee came and sat next to De'arrea . "Aye man try these good ass oreos" Jacob said handing him the plate. Algee grabbed one and took a bite. "Damn. Who made these? " he said. Jacob pointed at dee. I don't know but it feels like Jacob Was trying to flirt with Dee. Every since we got here he been giving her this smile. Algee kissed dee on the forehead before walking upstairs. Tomorrow was our last day here till we head back up the road. I really miss it down here with my friends and family. De'arrea  followed Algee upstairs. Jacob helped me up and we headed to our room shutting the door behind me "how's the baby?  She Still kicking?" Jacob asked while washing his face. I nodded. "Yeah she she's still kicking. I meant to tell you. I'm naming her Chloe latimore " I smiled running my hands down my stomach. He smiled and jumped in bed sitting next to me. "Chloe.. I like it" he said. I kissed him before laying Down. I snuggled into jacob arms still thinking about the pain I'ma go through.

My First LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon