Chapter 17

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De'arrea pov *

I sat at the kitchen table playing candy crush on my phone. "You wanna go out to eat somewhere? " I asked. Algee sat at the table across from me with a scarf wrapped around his neck. He won't tell me why he's been wearing it around his now for the past 2 days. He sleeps with it on also. Im starting worry about him. It's that frank. Algee don't even sleep without his shirt anymore. "Nah I don't feel like leaving the house today" he said. He said the same thing yesterday. I rolled my eyes and stood up from my seat. His phone started ringing so I went and sat right back down in my seat to be nosey. "It's frank huh? " I said folding my arms. He nodded before getting up. I followed him. "Why are you following me? " he said. The phone was steady ringing. "Who is he? ." I said. He waved me off walking outside to answer it. I wanted to lock him out the house so bad but me being the nice person I just sat down. He was out there for about 30 minutes, I could hear him laugh and talking loud. It made me feel some type of way. (I had a rich homie quan moment for a minute😂). I went to open the door but he beat me to it. He dashed right past me. "I'm finna be out for a lil while, you think you can be here alone? I mean I know you have some friends maybe they could you know?  Come over " he said. Something inside of me snapped.

"What? Algee no you're not going anywhere " I said.

"What you mean?  I gotta go meet up with my home boy frank. Ima be back bae I promise"

"No, you been leaving this house for 3 weeks straight now. You never take me out or anything. You leave me home by myself every fucking night.! How am I suppose to grow feelings for you when I'm barely seeing you anymore?  You don't even take me out on dates anymore either" I said. He grabbed my arm but I pulled away heading upstairs. He didn't say nothing. I sat at the last staircase upstairs to see if he'll actually stay. But he left... I sat there crying and thinking for 20 minutes. Algee and frank might be gay lovers or something.

Algee POV ***

"Okay so what you think? " Danielle asked. Tomorrow was her birthday and she wanted to throw a hotel party with just her friends. She was showing me one of her lingeries she got from a British catalog. "It looks okay I guess" I said. She stood up and raised the lingerie over her. "Ima go try it on. " she said. Soon as she went inside the bathroom, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to text Dee that when I get home, were going to the movies to see "it" tonight. She texted me back with an okay. That's the least I can do for her. I love De'arrea and I can tell she wants my attention and me being the stupid naive one not giving it to her instead I'm cheating. All this thinking got me wondering. I tried to sneak out and leave Danielle's house but soon as I stood to do so, she came out the bathroom looking sexy as..... Words can't describe that. "Now that I got your full attention.. What do you think? " she said. I sat back on the edge of the bed with my mouth dropped. "Algee? " she called out. "Oh um yeah it looks great. " I said. She smiled stepping out the bathroom heading towards me. "Im going to practice an lap dance on you okay? " she said. "Nah I don't need one.. " I replied. "Oh come on,  you're gonna love it" she said. She yanked my scarf off my neck and burst into laughter. "Oh my god, my hickeys look like bruises. Why are you covering them? " she asked. I told her a good as lie. She sat on my lap kissing on my neck, I pulled away. "Not today" I whispered. She ignored me. She stood up and turned on Feel it by Jacques. I rolled my eyes trying not to pay attention as she began to grind on my lap but it was hard to resist. She was a good dancer. The lap dance turned out bad. We ended up having sex twice in one day. It was 9:54 and I was tired and worn out. I unwrapped myself from Danielle's arms and threw back on my clothes and quietly left the house. I looked down at my phone pressing the power button but it was dead. I was so tired I didn't even feel like driving. When I pulled up to the crib, I tightly wrapped the scarf around my neck before heading into the house. "Finally!,  look baby the last movie starts at 10:30 cmon we can make it there on time if we leave now" Dee said. I palmed my forehead cause I forgot I told her that I was gonna take her to the movies. She was all dressed up and her make up was on point. She looked beautiful. I could tell she's been waiting on me cause she sat by the door. "Look bae I'm sorry but I'm tired and I need some sleep, but we can go tomorrow night okay? " I said. She gave me a blank stare as tears rolled down her eyes. I tried to comfort her but she slapped my arm. "I hate you" she said walking upstairs. I knew I was gonna sleep on the couch cause i heard the door slammed. I ran after her but she locked me out. "Dee!.. Let me make it up to to you please" I yelled through the door. She didn't reply. I sat by the door hoping she'll open up but she didn't. My eyes began to close and my body began to shut down. I fell asleep right by the door on this hard carpet floor.

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