Chapter 25

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"Stupid phone !" I yelled tossing my iPhone 8 Plus to the other side of the bed. "What's up with you?" Keith laughed. My phone been freezing every since I updated and now it won't turn on. I need to see if I have an appointment to the doctors today. "This stupid update caused my phone to act out. Can I use yours. I need to make a quick phone call" I said. He nodded his head and tossed me his phone. " who you about to call?" He asked. I got up and gave him a smirk. "Boy I'm finna call my momma" I said walking out the room. I rushed downstairs and into the garage. I began dialing my doctor's number.

"Hey Dr. Scott , I wanted to ask you if I'm suppose to come in today for my appointment for my pregnancy?"

"Hey there De'arrea, wait one second let me check."He said.

I began pasting the garage and biting my nails. Cause I keep hearing footsteps outside the garage door as if someone was listening. I tried my best to talk low as possible.

"No. You come on the following Monday which is two days from now. I don't have time right now to tell you what time to come in but I'll call you back to let you know okay "

"Okay thanks"

I hung up quickly and deleted the number. I snatched open the door and there stood micheal with his hands behind his back. I tried to walk passed him by moving left but he did the same, then I moved right and he did the same blocking me.

"Who were you on the phone with?" He asked

"None of your business" I tried shoving him to the side but he stood in one place. "Gotta try harder than that beautiful" he whispered. I looked up at him and my heart started beating fast. "Move !" I yelled and brushed passed him. He grabbed my shirt pulling me back but I shoved him off me I ran upstairs and walked into Keith's room slamming and locking the door behind me. I was all out of breath.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing. Here's your phone"

"Oh okay...wanna go out for lunch ?" He asked. I nodded my head. And he smiled. I threw on my shoes and followed Keith out the room. I gripped his arm as we went down the stairs. I gripped it even harder when me walked passed micheal who was standing near the stairway. "Dee? You good ? Look you're scratching me" he said pointing to the scratch marks on his arm. I quickly let go. "I'm sorry ". He looked down at me then over at micheal. We started making our way to the door. "Aye bro, we bout to go out to eat. Wanna slide?" Keith said. I looked over at Keith and nudged his arm. "Naw I'm good. I don't want to feel like a third wheel. Besides I got work in a few." He replied. I felt relief through out my whole body. Soon as Keith walked out the door, Michael winked at me. What the fuck is wrong with him.

"So, why is he staying over?" I asked

"Well he stays in New York and came down here to visit"

" oh so how you know him"

"Been friends since I was in diapers"

"But he's old. "

"Dee he's only 30 which is 4 years older than me."

"Well he's old compared to me"

"So am I dee. I'm 26 you're 18"

"Uhh.. I'm 19"


We then pulled up to Apple bees. I could smell the food through the car windows.

I got out the car throwing my bag over my shoulder. Keith walked beside me and took my hand. I gasped and looked up at him. He look down at me and smiled. "What?" He said. I shook my head and smiled. We sat at the table they gave us and began to order. I ordered every thing I didn't care either I was craving it.

"So de'arrea, I wanted to ask you something. " he said before stuffing a spoon full of macaroni and cheese into his mouth.

I slightly put down my fork and crossed my arms.

"What is it?"

"How you found out bout the baby?"

My body tensed up. Was he talking about my pregnancy? How does he know. Oh shit.

"Uh What?"

"Didn't you say Algee got another female pregnant. How did you know?"

Whewww... I thought he found out about my pregnancy.

"I looked through You was there. "

He gave me a blank stare while swallowing.

"Oh yeah I forgot. So are you over him?" He said

"Duh" I replied and began eating again

"Are you sure?

"Yes Keith"

He stood up and walked over and sat next to me. He wrapped his arm around my neck and smiled. "Well good" he said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. He started to put his hand down my back rubbing it up and down. He moved my hair to the side and started to whisper in my ear. "You know, since mike bout to go to work we can have the house to our self and we can... you know" he said. I turned my head towards him staring at his beautiful face and those pretty tiny freckles all around his face. But I can't. I'm pregnant. I'm not sure if I can even have sex while pregnant. "I don't think so Keith " I said. He looked at me and made the most ugliest face. "Why?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "What you mean you don't know? I'm starting to feel like you don't like me the way I like you dee"

"I do like you Keith. Just not today okay?"

"Alright" he said kissing my cheek. We got our bill paid, and began making our way out the restaurant . He took my hand and opened the car door for me. He was being so nice to me all of a sudden. "Damn!" He said jumping into the car. "What happened?" I asked. "I forgot I have to work today" I threw my head back and folded my arms. Of course...

Quick chapter? ... I know. Sorry 💜😭

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