Chapter 12

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It was a lovely, clear day, there were some puffy white clouds in the sky but the temperature was perfect. It would be a perfect day to celebrate Cirician victory. Abigail felt lonely and longing, as if she had lead in her veins. She felt disappointment and fear course through her stomach. Abigail rubbed her head between Noctus's soft black mane. She heard a scuffling sound in a nearby pile of leaves and saw that a rabbit poked it's head out of the leaves. It meant that the others were about, meaning that this lonely and unknown part of the forest had life in it. She heard a beautiful trill and looked up to see a bird calling. Tears welled in her eyes but when she felt a steady hand on her back, she looked up, to see Sara.

"It's ok, Gail. What's wrong?" Sara asked, concerned

"Nothing. You won't understand." Abigail replied dully.

"We will. We do." said Magda. "It's your parents and friends, isn't it."

Abigail didn't reply.

"Let's stop." said Magda. Nobody objected. When Abigail slipped off Noctus, Magda slipped off Mervis. Warm midday sun filtered through the leaves above them. Magda begun singing.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go

When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said don't leave me here alone

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight."

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound"

Abigail stared at the canopy above. Radiant sunlight shined into the clearing. When Magda finished her song, a bird took up her song. And suddenly other birds began taking up the song as beautiful strains of music filled the air. Abigail felt wonderful! 

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