Chapter 15

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"Ugh it's spitting" said Magda. She was right, Abigail felt a droplet on her face.

"Quick, get the water containers" said Lokeyia as she pulled a large container from her pack and put it in the middle of the clearing and then retreated under a tree.

Abigail, Magda and Sara pulled out their water containers to join Lokeyia's.

Though Abigail was happy it was raining, she was shivering and her teeth were chattering uncontrollably as rain splashed down onto the ground. It was such a lovely, peaceful morning today. How could the weather have changed so much? She thought about home, back in Cirices. Would her mother be asleep? Or would they be behind iron bars? No, just thinking about her family and friends, captured, distant and unreachable was unbearable. What happened to young Sja? Was she alright? For some reason, when Abigail thought of Sja she felt her stomach do a somersault. What about Ferne? Abigail scrapped the thought of Ferne with her beautiful blonde hair and hazel green eyes covered in scars and blood. Abigail knew that Emerilla would certainly survive, she wouldn't go down without a fight. Abigail's mind spun with terrifying and curious thoughts. If someone ever told her one could feel terror and curiosity at the same time, Abigail would have thought something was wrong with them. Abigail's body was sleepy and tired, but her mind was alert and working hard. Somehow, she found sleep.

The next morning, Abigail was roused by Lokeyia, who was tapping Abigail with the hilt of her sword. Abigail jumped back in surprise.

"Oi! What're you doing, do you want to kill me?!" Abigail yelled frightfully.

"No. I just couldn't think of what else to tap you with." said Lokeyia, equally frightened at Abigail's outburst.

Abigail sighed and silently drank some warmish tea Magda had prepared using the rainwater from last night and some nearby tea leaves. Magda also put a bowl of clear soup with palentonae in front of Abigail. The canopy glistened with sparkling raindrops. When rain would fall back in Cirices, the whole town seemed to sparkle with radiance. On those days, nobody was unhappy. Not a complaint passed anyone's lips.

"It's like Merope. All those colourful buildings and posters..." said Sara longingly.

Funny. Abigail always imagined Merope to be lurking with strange, depressed people. They were used to bright colours. They longed to move away from Merope.

Abigail noticed that Magda was very quiet and had not spoken at all since Abigail awoke.

"What's wrong, Magda?"

"What? Nothing's wrong?" Magda said a little too quickly.

Lokeyia stood up and rummaged in her pack and brought out some matches. She brought out a torch as well.

"I'm going to go get us something to eat." she said, slipping her sword into her belt and grabbing a large bucket.

Abigail, Magda and Sara slurped the gluggy soup, well to be honest, Abigail liked gluggy food. Since the palentonae wasn't roasted, it tasted mild and quite firm.

When Lokeyia came back, her hands covered in some sort of golden liquid, Magda jumped up in surprise.

"Honey!!!" Magda gasped.

Lokeyia grinned then laughed.

"Just got us something to eat."

"Just?! This is a delicacy!" exclaimed Abigail.

Sara could clearly not understand Abigail as she had honey all the time at home.

"You didn't get stung?" Magda asked, concerned.

"No, Magda. I smoked them." Lokeyia said then everyone laughed apart from Magda, who couldn't understand the joke.

After stuffing themselves with honey, they had to move on. The four girls mounted the horses and departed their camp site. Since Magda sung her song, Abigail had never felt so happy before. The sweet, flowery taste of honey on her tongue, since a month ago in Cirices, she had a full belly and her tongue and lips wet from water.

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