Chapter 33

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Sara fled for cover back at camp and hid behind the horses. Abigail pulled her shirt over her mouth and nose and sprinted away in the direction of the creek. Magda sunk to the ground and shielded her head with her arms. Lokeyia tried to scramble up a tree, but as the air was thick with plant matter and it was very hard to see in, Lokeyia ended up in a heap on the ground, next to Magda. When the air cleared, Magda spoke in a raspy voice.

“I shouldn’t have showed you all.” she said. Magda looked around expectantly to see Sara and Abigail. The only things left on the ground were Sara’s Asterian knife and a single arrow.

Lokeyia grunted and that’s when Magda noticed her.

“Oh, Lokey, you alright?”

Lokeyia made a choking sound.

“Lokey, can you hear me?” Magda called out again.

“Yes.” Lokeyia gasped though her reply was barely audible. “I’m winded.”

“What? SARA! ABIGAIL! HELP!!!” Magda yelled.

Sara’s dirt caked face appeared from behind a tree.

“Oh no! Lokey, what’s wrong?” Sara gasped, kneeling at her side.

“Winded I think. She’s just got a shock. She’ll be fine in a few minutes. Though, I have to say, falling from a tree isn’t painless.” Abigail stepped from  behind a bush.

Abigail’s hair and forehead was as bad as Sara’s face, however her face was clean compared to Sara’s, Magda’s and Lokeyia’s faces. However the front and collar of her shirt looked horrid. After a few minutes, Lokeyia was far better and went back to the camp. Everyone else busied themselves by washing their clothes, hair, bodies and faces.

Everyday Magda continued to make Bolvero balls. It often took three days to make six, one day for finding ingredients, the second for making the balls and the third for letting them dry for a full day in sunlight. However, soon Magda had memorised where the ingredients were and how to find them, and began making twelve balls together instead of six. So it soon only took two days to make twelve. On the day of the testing, Magda had left two balls for herself and gave one each to Abigail, Lokeyia and Sara, to put in their packs and keep in case of an emergency. Lately, emergencies had become quite common.

Once Magda had made about thirty balls, the four travellers moved on further North. One day, the conversation Abigail and Sara long dreaded and the thing Magda and Lokeyia had been thinking so hard on arised.

“So where are we moving next? Surely we aren’t hoping to make our own Wood Inhab society?” Magda asked.

“Depends what we agree on. Well, it won’t be Merope so forget about Merope, Magda.” Lokeyia said dismissively.

“No! Sara knows Merope! She’s been there!” Magda protested.

“Oh wait… yeah! I could guide you through there, mum made me practice the layout of Merope for two years already. Sorry Lokey, I think Magda’s idea is reasonable. If we are disguised properly, we would be hard to identify.” Sara said gently, speaking more to Lokeyia that Magda.

Lokeyia turned a pinkish color.

“Oh fine. But that isn’t decided yet. If Abigail chooses to go, then we’ll all have to go. If she doesn’t, I’m afraid  we will have to decide hard or split up.” Lokeyia said slowly, as if steeling herself.

“I'm going gathering.” she said,  grabbing her sword and departing

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