Part three: getting to know you

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Me and jasper talked for a little bit before he went to bed.
I just realized I have no place to sleep.
Oh well I can just stay on watch or something. There were people in and out of their tents keeping watch.
The last person finally came out. Bellamy.
"What can princess not sleep" Bellamy said batting his eyes
Thinking it would make me mad but surprisingly it didn't, it made me smile.
I stood up and held my smile back because he can't think I like him.
I walked up to him so my right shoulder was touching his left shoulder.
"Oh by the way I like guys with curly hair" I smirked and walked away into the dropship.
I could feel him staring at me as I walked away.
I slid down on a random wall and closed my eyes.
My mind wondered around in places I wish it would stay out of,
'How will we survive down here' 'what if I starve'
"He didn't kill wells, I did!" I woke up to hear a little girls voice and chaos outside.
How did I sleep through all that.
I quickly got up and went outside.
"Oh look bellamy your little princess is awake!" He screamed grabbing me by my hair.
I let out a little gasps.
"Let me go!" I yelled kicking him.
He held the knife to my neck once again as we walked.
"There gone lets search the woods!" He screamed as everyone lit there torches on fire.
Why was I asleep that long?? And why did murphy just call me bellamys princess... gotta be honest it made a blush a little.
It was about 40 minutes later when we heard the girl scream.
"Im here murphy!" She screamed.
We kept walking for a minute or two before we made it to a cliff. Bellamy threw the girl behind him and clarke to his side.
Bellamys eyes went wide when he saw me.
"Your hair is  natural now" I said smiling making him smile.
"Its not about hair!" Murphy let out a crazy laugh.
"Give charlotte to me and you can save little princess here." He jabbed the knife more into my neck in the same place.
"We dont have to-" before bellamy finished the little girl spoke up.
"Im sorry I never meant to hurt anyone and I dont want anyone getting hurt because of me" before anyone could even blink she jumped.
Clarke and Bellamy fell to the ground and screamed.
While Murphy was distracted I hit my elbow into his face and jumped on him, his back landed on the ground and i was sitting on him throwing punch after punch.
"You killed her!" I screamed.
I felt
Two hands pull me up by my waist and set me on the ground. Then bellamy picked murphy up by his shirt.
"I dont ever wanna see your face around here and if I do I swear I will kill you" he slammed murphy back to the ground and waiting for him and the rest of the guys to leave.
"No please dont leave me mom!" I screamed over and over again for her not to walk away into the other room. But she wouldn't budge.
Jaha nodded at a guard as he pushed the buttom. Her body went flying out.
I fell to the ground screaming and crying
"HOW COULD YOU!! I WILL KILL YOU JAHA I SWEAR IT!" I punched him the jaw as the guards took me away. All I have left is my older brother...
End of flashback:
"Addylin!" Bellamy said as tears streamed down my face.
"Its okay lets get back to camp." He put an arm around me and helped me walk as clarke kept the clearing.
Once we made it back to camp Bellamy brought me to his tent.
"Stay here im gonna go get something" he left the tent and not soon after finn walked in.
"Whats up princess" he sat next to me.
Me and him hardly talk why is he in here.
"Got any better nicknames.." I asked as he looked at the ground.
"Nope but I will come up with one" he patted my shoulder and smiled at me before walking out.
Him and bellamy bumped shoulders as finn was outside.
Bellamy came in with a wash cloth and a bucket of water.
"Give me your hand" he didn't ask he demanded.
When the wash cloth made contact with my skin I winced.
"Oh its not that bad" the corners of his mouth formed a cute small smile.
"So you took my advice" I said trying to start a conversation.
"Huh?" He didn't look at me he just kept cleaning my hands and my face.
"Your hair" I smiled and he put his hand under my chin and lifted my face.
Oh yeah my cut on my neck.
"Oh yeah" he blushed a little.
I looked up at the top of the tent. If you look closely you can see the light of the stars shining through.

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