Part 21: Mountain men

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"Its not my people who took your people, but you guys are in deep mud for doing this, there is two major clans out there, grounders and Mountain men" We all sat in a circle on the floor listening to Lincoln.
"Well who did it?!" Raven asked getting impatient.
"Well like I said there is only two major clans out there, Mountain men and grounders, so It was the Mountain men." Lincoln spoke up over Ravens impatience.
"Well then we go for the Mountain men, they give us our people back all of them or we kill theres" I said as Lincoln gave me a look of 'stupid'.
"Not a good idea, the Mountain men are worse then the Grounders, Mountain me have guns, sleeping gas, technology, you can't get in unless you cut the power or they let you in, but if you cut the power you kill everyone in there except our people there is good people in that mountain" Lincoln was talking a bit to fast.
"Well I will do whatever it takes to get my people back" Bellamy said
I didn't say a word I just grabbed princess and kissed her head.
"We come up with a plan tonight then do it tomorrow morning at sunrise" Octavia got to her feet and looked Lincoln in the eyes as if they could read each others minds.
"Whoa you're not going anywhere with my sister" Bellamy grabbed Lincolns arm before he could get all the way to his feet.
"Ugh bellamy I don't need to he protected by you! I'm a big girl now Bellamy, I'm 18 now let me be 18!" She grunted.
"Bellamy just let him go" I said looking at Lincolns arm.
"Ugh whatever but if anything happens to her its on you" dang that was harsh.
Octavia and Lincoln walked to the second level of the dropship.
"Okay so one of us has to pretend to need help so they can get in, once they are in they radio us with a small radio we give them, then they inform us on things and I will tell them what circuits to cut because if we cut the power for a short amount of time we can get in before the back up power turns on, so no one dies, then bellamy figured the rest out while we are inside" Raven said looking at me and Bellamy, as if she didn't want Finn going in.
"I will do it" I said standing up.
"No you won't!" Bellamy stood up looking down on me.
"I will" finn said looking at Raven waiting for her to say no and that she did.
"Why?!" He pleaded.
"Because I need you here helping me" he lost the fight this time.
"Me, im going in because bellamy has to stay out here helping Octavia is not going in and Lincoln knows around the place" I smiled know that I had won this fight.
"Whatever" Bellamy clenched his jaw.
"Thanks" I smiled and kissed his cheek then walked away to find some blankets.
I surprisingly found some...
I grabbed a blanket and tucked it under a crack in the ceiling, it draped down like a wall, the end barely touched the ground.
I grabbed the rest of the four blankets handed raven and finn two and headed over to my spot.
I knew Bellamy was gonna sleep with me so I didn't hand him one.
"Hey what about me Addy?" Bellamy said looking behind my wall at me.
"Oh its kind of a way of telling you to come cuddle with me" I smiled and turned on my side.
He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my neck.
"You will be okay whatever happens tomorrow or the next day you will be fine" his breath hit my shoulder as he talked.
"Come on someone needs to do it, I need to look like I need help" I smiled as everyone refused to hit me and Bellamy refused to let them.
"Ugh you guys are wimps" Raven said before punching me in the jaw.
"She can't be to weak, just in case" Bellamy said looking away from my pain.
"I knew raven could do it" I said standing straight up again.
She punched me in the stomach about three more times.
"Enough" Bellamy said turning around.
"She doesn't look like she needs help!" Raven said.
Everyone else was quiet.
"Fine give me he knife Octavia" I said walking over to her.
"Please don't hurt yourself badly" She slowly handed me her knife.
"You don't have to do this" Bellamy said grabbed my shoulder.
"You can at least wait until were closer."
"No I can't because if they see us, were all dead" I quickly swiped the cold blade across my leg.
"Owwww!" I screamed in pain.
"Ugh" Bellamy looked away once again.
"Two more times thats it" Octavia said standing firmly in front of me.
I swiped it once again across my stomach.
"Thats good enough!" Bellamy yanked the sword out of my hand. Replacing it with a radio, I stuffed the radio in my shirt then
stood straight up and pretended like it didn't hurt but it did.
"You guys need to be far behind me and hidden" I said.
"Wait" Bellamy grabbed my wrist and pulled me close.
"Stay safe babygirl" he planted his lips on mine. I kissed him back for about a minute.
"May we meet again" he said one last time
"Make sure Princess stays in the dropship"
I said as I limbed away.

I saw the Mount Weather from a distance, I looked behind my shoulder and saw Bellamy, Finn, Octavia, Raven, and Lincoln. Bellamy saw me looking at him and gave me a slight smile.
I looked forwards and walked.
I didn't seem hurt enough but its gonna have to work.
I slowly walked towards the building.
"Help" I pleaded.
I made it to the door, it had a big wheel time thing on it but it had to be controlled from the inside,
"Help" I hit the door several times before it opened.
A guy with a suit came out with a black bomb lookin thing, then everything went black.
My eyes fluttered open, I saw a complete white ceiling with a bright light shining down on me.
I turned my head, there was needles in my arm between my lower arm and upper arm.

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