Part 17: Princess

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I sat outside waiting for Bellamy and Clarke to finish talking to stupid head Jaha, amazing insult right?
"You really like him don't you?" Octavia said sitting next to me on the log.
"Yeah I do" just the thought of him brought a smile to my face.
"Can I show you something, well tell you and show you?" She asked looking at me, dang I never noticed how gorgeous she was.
"Sure thing but whatever it is your secret is face with me"  I smiled at her.
"Okay come with me" She dragged me out into the woods.
"Um is your secret to like kill me or something?" I joked.
"No" she kept a straight face, I guess its bad timing to joke around.
"What are you doing?!" I yanked my arm out of her grip when I noticed the cage door, the same cage door that we got kidnapped in.
"Just trust me please." She gave me pleading eyes that no one could say no to. I kept my mouth shut and followed her.
"Lincoln this is Addilyn the other girl" Octavia said letting my arm go.
"Hey Addilyn" he looked at me then kissed Octavia.
"Please don't tell Bellamy" Octavia said patting a spot on the ground for me to sit at.
"I won't but if he finds out he wil-"
"He won't find out" Octavia spoke up before I could finished my sentence.
"You know how you feel about my brother, well that's how I feel about lincoln, how you would do anything to keep him close to you..." She said looking up at Linkin and smiling, she loves him I can tell.
"Like I said your secret is safe with me" I smiled knowing that Bellamy will get mad if I don't tell him but I can't, I don't break promises.
"Well we better get you back before he notices you are gone, dang that boy watches her every move" she said starting off talking to me then talked to lincoln.
"I bet" lincoln said.
"Oh yeah I was gonna ask you if you wanted lessons?" Linkin said before me and O walked away.
"Ummmmmmm, lessons about...." I said trying to avoid the dirty part of it.
"No not those lessons! Fighting lessons" he said laughing a little.
"Oh sure" I smiled at the thought of me being able to win against me and Bellamy wrestling next time.
"Meet me here with Octavia tomorrow at sunset" he walked away without another word.
"Ready?" I said looking in the direction to go.
"Yup" she hooked arms with me and we walked off. I really expected her to be less...girly? No..friendly, and push people away if that makes sense.
"So tomorrow meet me at the gate do not leave without me" she said as we reached camp.
"Where were you guys?!" Clarke said walking up to us.
"We went and looked at butterflies" I said smiling as O gave me and 'thank you' look.
"Well don't leave without telling us next time we were worried sick." She said walking up to Bellamy then pointing at us.
"Oh no" I said looking up at O.
"Go to your tent while you can" I said shoving her away. She mouthed thank you as Bellamy walked up.
"Don't even ask, because I am fine I was looking for butterflies" I said walking away.
"Oh well dang those butterflies put you in a mood.
"Ha ha funny" I laughed walking over to the fire jasper and monty are attempting to make.
"Let me help you" I said pushing Monty out of the way, in a nice way of course.
"You know how to make fires?" Jasper laughed.
"Yeah I actually payed attention in earth survivors class unlike some" I looked over at monty.
"Okay okay I could have cared less then but now I care" he threw his hands up in the air.
"I am just messing with you guys, chill" I laughed blowing on the fire.
"There you go" I smiled as the fire rose higher sending a clear grey smoke in the air.
"Come on Addilyn I want to show you somthing" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me away.
"Goodluck" Jasper said fixing his goggles. What's with people today and telling me/ showing me things.
"Look" he opened his tent. There sat a small black big eared puppy.
"Thats a puppy right?" I asked walking over to it.
"Yup you can name her" he sat on the bed waiting for my reaction to show more.
"Awww shes so cute!" I said picking her up, she jumped all over me licking my face.
"Ewwwwww" I laughed whipping my face off and pushing her onto my lap and not so close to my face.
" I will name her..... Princess!" I smiled and she barked at the name making me flinch.
I picked her up and put her on Bellamys lap.
"Aw such a cute name for a cute puppy" he ran his hand over the top of her back then put her between me and him.
"Im so tired" I said dramatically and fell over so my head was on his lap.
Princess jumped on my stomach making me huff.
I closed my eyes and switched over to my side.
"Here let's actually get you in bed" he lifted my head so he could stand up.
I groaned at the thought of having to get up but I did it anyways.
He tossed one of shirts at me then turned his back to me.
"You know you don't have to look away to be honest I don't care anymore" I lifted my shirt up off over my head.
He turned around then walked up to princess started playing with her.
I slipped his shirt on, flung my shoes and pants off then laid down.
"Come on princess lets get you to bed next to your mommy" he lifted her up and put her by my back.
"Oh so now im her mommy? But your her dad?" I laughed not bothering to open my eyes.
"We are her parents" I could feel his happiness as he swung his arm over me.
Princess laid now behind bellamy down by his feet.

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