Part 24: Trikru

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I woke up in a happy mood, Bellamy was next to me Princess was down by our feet.
"Good morning handsom" I turned around so I could face him.
"Morning beautiful" I kissed his lips.
I went to sit up but he pulled me back down.
"Noooo stay" he whined and wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't escape.
Princess jumped on my stomach making me huff.
"Awww come here princess" she licked Bellamys face.
"Ha!" I laughed and got up.
"I ESCAPED!" I screamed running out of the dropship
He got up and chased after me.
I turned around to see if he was close,
I felt a hard object hit me.
I fell on the wet muddy ground and looked up to see Jasper.
"Oh hey Jasper" I said looking up at him.
"God I wish I was as happy as you are, wait you shouldn't be happy you just murdered 100s of people including my girlfriend." He walked away.
"Let me help you up" Bellamy said reach for me.
"No I can do it myself" I got up and walked away from what use to be our home.
I walked for about two minutes then climbed a tree.
"I bare it so others don't have to" My words repeated in my head.
How can I live with myself knowing what I did.
"Come on babygirl come down from there" I looked down to see the one and only Bellamy blake once again.
"No" I crossed my arms.
"Please princess misses you" ugh I can't say no to that. I slowly climbed down the tree until it was safe for me to jump.
My feet hit the ground crunching leaves.
"Wheres princess" I asked looking around.
"Back at camp" he laughed a little.
I can't go back there, I cant face them.
He embraced me in a huge hug, since hes taller my feet were lifted off the ground.
"Come on lets go back to camp" he said putting me down.
"Take care of princess" I said looking at the ground.
"I am and so are you" I think he knew what I was talking about he just avoided it.
"Now let's go its not safe out here" he said grabbing my wrist.
"No, Bellamy I can't go back there, I can't see Jaspers face without breaking down on the inside, everytime I see him I see all the people I murdered. Bellamy they don't need me, they need you" I looked him in the eyes.
"You did what you had to for us, for your people. It's not easy making these choices Addilyn, we can't be weak down here, weakness is death" he grabbed my hands.
I brought him into a hug, a slow
Thoughtful hug.
"May we meet again" My voice cracked and a tear slipped and fell onto Bellamys neck.
"I forgive you if you want to be forgiven there it is just please don't go Addilyn, I love you" I looked into his eyes, im leaving the home I ever felt safe in...bellamy.... I started walking away.
"I love you to bellamy"
My heart sunk to my stomach, I can't be here anymore I hurt to many people, I don't save people!
I'm a monster.
The faces of the people on the ground filled my head.
"Murderer" replayed over and over again.
I hope this saves everyone back at camp.
I was hurting so much, it hurts to leave them, they are like family but if it means that it will save them and make them happy, then so be it because I bare it so they dont have to.

"Bell, whenever I am with you I forget about all my worries, I forget about reality, about...everything bad that has happened its like im in a whole new world..a world where I feel safe and protected from anything.." I remembered my words.
"Addy whenever I am with you, I smile alot, no matter how my mood is, you always lighten my day nothing bad crosses my mind my worries are moved to the side, you are my happiness...and I will forever protect you no matter what happens I will do anything for you" I remembered the words he said and the smile he gave me at that moment.
I remembered the promises I made to him.

~~~bellamys pov~~~
"Maybe she shouldn't have murdered 100s of people" he replied as I walked away.
"She did not murder people she did it TO SAVE US TO SAVE YOU!" I turned around and tackled him, I threw punch after punch.
My tears fell on top of him.
"Kill me already!" He said. Octavia pulled me off.
"What are you talking about Bellamy" She said as I stood to my feet.

~~~Addilyns pov~~~
I was face to face with lexa.
"I would like to join Trikru" ...

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