Part 22: Radio

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I ripped the needles from my arm and stood up.
The room is white from top to bottom, dang this is sad, who paints there rooms all white!
I slowly walked over to a window.
My radio! I patted my jacket knowing that there's probably a  camera in here. Wheres my radio?! My heart started pumping faster and faster by the second.
I ripped off my jacket, wheres the radio?!
They must have taken it....
I just now realized that they stitched up my cuts, theres food on the table along with a clear glass of water.
Its to good to be true... this can't be real they could have poisoned this, somethings up.
"Hello Addilyn" An old guy walked in with two guards and a smile on his face.
"You are probably wondering where your radio went to huh? Well we took it because you can't communicate with grounders or anyone else the communication is weak out here" he spoke as his two guards brought in a moving closet full of clothes and shoes.
"Go ahead get dressed and come out to the dining room" he left without another word.
I looked through the clothes, I put on a short white shirt that draped down to my belly button, and nice blue skinny jeans with a pair of converse.
I opened the door and walked out.
This is my chance to wonder.
I started walking down a hall.
I opened the first door I saw.
"Hey! What are you doing in here?!" I saw cages everywhere...empty cages about 100 of them...
"Im sorry wheres the dining room?" I asked acting like I didn't care about what I just saw.
"Come with me" his voice echoed hitting the cement walls and bouncing back.
He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the room I was suppose to be in.
"Jasper? Clarke?" I said out loud getting everyones attention.
Jasper clarke monty and harper ran to me embracing me into a hug.
"Wheres bellamy is he okay? What about Octavia? Finn?" Clarke asked a ton of questions.
"Wheres finn?!" She repeated her self.
"Come with me clarke" I dragged clarke away from everyone.
"I know you your strong, i know you don't trust this place, so Im telling you, Bellamy, raven, Octavia, Finn and Lincoln are all outside waiting for me to use my radio so I can cut the power so they can rescue us..." I spoke quietly out of breath.
"Wheres your radio?" She asked.
"They took it we need more communication we need to find more rooms" I said panicking.
"Calm down we will find something"
Clarke put her hand on my shoulder, honestly I never realized how nice she is we could become good friends.
"But when? How? Bellamy and the rest are out there god knows whats going through there minds" I said looking Clarke in the eyes.
"We will talk to them" Clarke looked annoyed.
"Finn is out there waiting for you!" I hissed at her, does she even know how it feels like love someone, it hurts being away from them when you know there life is on the line 24/7 .
"Lets go" She said dragging me over to a table with a girl and Jasper.
"We need your help" Clarke said putting on a fake smile so people in the distance didn't know what was going on.
"With what?" She looked up from her book.
"A communication room, I need a radio something" she said bending down to the tables height making her look up at the brown haired girl.
"No way they will kill all of us if we find out" She quickly put her eyes back in the book.
"Do you know how it feels to love someone, and when there outside and your inside possibly safer then them? I guess not because you would help us if you did..." I got up and looked at Jasper.
"You love Bellamy?!" Jasper said a little to loud.
"Fine I will help but if I die its on you" she said getting up and leading me jasper and clarke somewhere. Why does everyone say its on me if something happens?!
"Jasper go back" I want to make sure hes safe.
"Fine bossy pants" he huffed then left.
"Its in that room but there are guards, so figure out a plan, I'm out of here bye" she quickly ran off.
"I will distract them you go in and talk to bellamy and finn" I said walking up to the door.
*knock knock*
I knocked on the door a few times before a guard came out.
"You're not suppose to be back here" he said in the same stern voice as all the other guards.
"Please help me, I thought I saw someone running through the halls" My hands were shaky and my heart was beating fast.
"Stay here" he gripped on to his gun and ran.
"Clarke" she came running
"I got your back" I said as she ran into the room.
"Anything weird?" I heard Bellamys voice.
"Clarke!" I said as a guard was coming back.
"Hey what are you doing in there!" Clarke wrapped her fingers around my arm and we ran.
We didn't say anything but we jumped in a vent and crawled around the vents.
"Stop I need a break" I whispered gasping for air.
"What are we gonna do now??" Clarke asked.
"Don't ask me" I fixed my shoe.
"Its hard running in skinny jeans" I laughed a little.
"Here put these on, once I saw you I knew you were gonna need something else so I grabbed a pair of black stretchy leggings from a girls bag" she laughed and handed them to me.
I took my shoes of then my pants and slipped those on.
"Hurry!" Clarke said as I tied my shoes.
"Done" I smiled.
"Okay we need to look around for rooms" She said crawling around.
Jesus its hot in here! I was sweating a lot.
"Here!" She said looking down a vent door, we were above the room with cages, but this time there were people in them.

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