Part 19: grounders

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"Who could have taken them?!" Raven said pacing back and forth on the second level of the dropship.
Me bellamy finn and princess all sat next to each other, our eyes followed her.
"Stop walking back and forth its freakin me out!" I said not breaking my stare at her.
In the corner of my eye I saw Bellamys lips curl into a smile. Of course.
"The grounders, it had to be them" finn stood up getting everyones attention even ravens.
"But what if it wasn't we can't go accusing random people for maybe others doings" I stood up looking at Finn.
"Yeah the key word maybe" Finn said back, I sent a glare at him.
"Okay whatever you say smarty pants" I smiled a little bit.
I shot a glance over at Bellamy, he seemed worried jealous angry and upside all bundled in on.
"Yup whatever I say egg head" Finn laughed.
"Egg head?!" I laughed so hard I fell to the ground.
"Egg head raven and smarty pants... FOCUS!" He said only making me laugh a little bit more, Finn just let out a little giggle and Raven had her full attention. Bellamy seemed mad really mad.
"Its my sister out there! And clarke with the rest of us! We can't just sit around calling each other egg head!" Bellamys eyes glossed up and his voice cracked. Mine and finns smile faded away.
"Hes right" Raven walked over to him and put her arm around him.
Anger filled up inside me.
"Yeah okay he's right I will go look for her its my fault shes gone" I said leaving the dropship.
"How is it your fault?" Bellamy said narrowing his eyebrows at me.
"Because me and her were out together we heard a loud boom so she sent me off to find you guys I shouldn't have left I should have stayed" I said as tears welded up in my eyes.
"That doesn't mean its your fault" he got closer to me.
"Well then I have to go and find her" I went to walk off but he wrapped his fingers around my wrist.
"No okay, enough people are already gone I can't lose you either"
His eyes filled with all kinds of emotions.
"Fine" I rolled my eyes and just kept looking at him.
"We will go search for her right away, I do want to find her more then anyone but you can't go alone" he said walking into the dropship not letting go of my arm.
"Okay me and Addilyn will go look for Octavia, finn you and raven stay here just incase anyone shows up, maybe go out look for food but don't leave princess alone" Bellamy said to Finn.
"Okay captain" Finn smiled at his joke.
I gotta admit it was funny but right now isn't a joking matter.
I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and said goodbye to Princess.
"Bye egg head" Finn waved to me while giving me a stupid look.
I playfully rolled my eyes and turned my attention back in front of me.
"When we go talk to grounders we can't have weapons, they will kill us or Octavia if they have her" I said knowing for a fact that they have her.
"Whatever you say babygirl" I ignored the last part and kept walking.
"Stay here" I said giving bellamy my backpack.
"No" he stood up protesting against me.
"Yes bellamy I mean it please stay here" I begged him.
He didn't say a word he just sat back down behind the log.
I slowly walked into a grounders camp the only camp close to Linkins house thing.
"Who are you?!" A dark skinned girl said holding a sword to my stomach, the pointed end jabbing me.
"Im here for lincoln" I put my hands up.
"What do you want with him?" She jabbed the sword further in my stomach actually breaking the skin and bleeding.
"Octavia" when I said her name the girls face lighten up and she lowered her sword.
"This way" she led me into a building.
Octavia stood in front of many grounders.
I have never been to terrified in my life, well maybe I have.
"O, what are you doing here?! We need to leave someone took our people everyones gone" I said whispering.
"Bellamy?!" His name escaped her mouth.
"No hes outside worried sick about you" I said.
"Well I can't just leave here he will be mad at me.
And I can't tell him they kidnapped me he'd kill them" she said walking closer to me.
"Well leave after I do and meet us in the woods" I said putting my hand on her shoulder.
"Okay go now" she said giving me a reassuring smile.
"She wasn't there" I spoke up so Bellamy could hear me.
I walked over to him, his face filled with sadness.
"I bet they do!" He got up and stormed towards camp.
"Bellamy stop!" I grabbed his arm before he got any closer.
"We can't just leave believing what they say Addilyn!" Bellamy yelled at me making me flinch.
His eyes filled with guilt, he never feels guilty for yelling at someone.
"Im sorry, I just worry about her shes my sister I love her" he hung his head down low.
"I understand" I smiled at him.
I put my hand on his cheek and pulled him close.
His lips were brushing against mine, his hot breath hit my face.
He planted a quick kiss on my lips then pulled away.
"We should go" I said walking away awkwardly, I know we kissed before but i dont know this time is was different.
"O!" Bellamy yelled running up to her in the distance.
I felt my lips form into a smile I couldn't help.
I ran behind Bellamy to keep up with him.
"Did anyone hurt you?" He said turning her around and looking at her every inch.
"No bell im fine" she smiled.
He embraced her into another hug.
I looked down at my stomach and lifted my shirt enough to see the small cut.
It was deeper then I thought. My shirt had a blood stain on it making me a little angry.
I let go of my shirt letting it fall back down to my sides.
"You okay?" O said pushing Bellamy away. Both of there eyes were on my stomach.
"Yeah" I smiled.

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