Part eleven: Stay

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I felt something press against my back.
"Slowly get up don't wake Bellamy" I slowly got up and looked at whoever this idiot was.
"Murphy?!" I whispered loudly.
"Shut up and get out of the tent!" He pulled my arm and we walked out.
"Get in the dropship now!" He demanded and pushed me as if I wasn't walking fast enough.
When I walked in I saw Octavia chained up like linkin was both hands were tied to chain and the chains were on the wall, her feet were tied to the ground.
"Octavia!" She looked up at me and I rushed to her side.
I tried to unchain her but I wasnt fast enough, I did end up unchaining one foot.
"Move over there!"Murphy screamed pointing at the other wall with chains.
He tied me up the same way he did Octavia but my feet were free.
"Bellamy guess who I have!" Murphy screamed out of the drop ship.
Murphy quickly closed the door as bellamy began to scream at him.
"Let me in murphy!" He pounded on the door echoing throughout the drop ship.
"No! I finally got what I want the two people you love the most" he waved the gun around smirking.
He walked up to Octavia and punched her in the stomach making her groan.
"Stop it! Leave Octavia alone!" I screamed.
"No addilyn its fine I dont want him to hurt you." She managed to say.
"Let her go and I will do whatever you want me to please just don't hurt her.
"Fine" he untied her and put the gun to her head knowing she will fight back.
He opened the door, Bellamy looked at his sister and glanced at me.
"Dont move pr your precious sisters dead" he shoved her out of the drop ship falling to her knees.
Bellamy went to her side and helped her up.
"No Bellamy your turn" he grabbed bellamys hair and threw him in.
"No not him just me! I never said anything about bellamy leave him alone!" I screamed as my heart raced.
Bellamy and murphy talked before murphy grabbed a stool.
He scooted it in the middle of the floor.
"Now stand on the stool" he said pointing the gun towards me.
"No" Bellamy said as his eyes got glossy.
"Do it!" He got closer to me.
"Fine fine I will do it." He stood on the stool knowing what was gonna happen.
"Murphy please it doesn't have to be this way." I begged.
"Now put the rope around your neck." Bellamy shook his head.
"No murphy STOP I WILL DO ANYTHING JUST STOP!!" I was trying to get Murphy closer to me.
"Shut up!" He said standing infront of me but looking at Bellamy.
I lifted my feet and kicked him in the back. He flew forwards and hit the ground.
Bellamy looked at me.
"Promise me you will stay strong" bellamy said almost crying.
"As long as you promise me you wont die anytime soon" I kinda laughed.
"Promise this promise that SHUT THE HELL UP!" I flinched at Murphys voice.
He walked over to me and untied me.
"Now kick the stool from under him.
"No!" I said as tears went down my face.
"Do it" he shoved me to the ground and pulled me back up by my hair"
Bellamy nodded at me.
"No bell I wont do it because of some idiot" I said kicking Murphy in the leg. Murphy brought me down with him.
He flipped us over so he could pin me down.
"Aw look at this we could be a cute couple" he said getting close to me face.
"Stop it Murphy!" Bellamy screamed.
"Bellamy if you move I will shoot her." The dropship was filled with silence.
"Murphy please just let him go" I said as Murphys face got closer to mine.
"No" he said as I struggled to get out of his grip.
Murphy kicked something.
I looked over his shoulder and saw Bellamy hanging there.
"MURPHY!!" I screamed. I kicked and tried to punch.
Murphy grabbed my face and stood my up.
He made sure bellamy was watching.
He kissed me.
I pushed Murphy to the ground and grabbed bellamys feet and lifted him up so he had air, bellamy gasped.
I didnt know how I was going to cut him down right now. Bellamys legs lifting up I looked over to see Murphy pulling him higher.
"Stop it Murphy please let him go."
I begged as I stood on my tippy toes holding bellamy up. I cant stand seeing him like this..bellamy cant die hes my everything he dies I die.

"You can try begging and hold bellamy up princess but it wont work.--- actually I can make a deal" murphy said as relief hit me but theres always a catch.
Murphy let go of bellamy and he hit the ground making a loud thud.
"Bellamy!" I screamed, I fell to the ground and got the rope off that was around his neck.
Bellamys breathing was really loud and heavy.
"Okay now what" I said as Murphy walked towards me.
"Now I put bellamy in more pain then I was" he smirked and grabbed my hair shoving the gun to my head.
"Murphy please let her go" Bellamy stood up putting his hands in the air.
"No, I will cause more suffering and mental pain for you by hurting her, shes your weakness." He said as he pushed me to the side and tied Bellamy up like he did me.
Bellamy fought back but it didn't work, i know bellamys stronger then that he just doesn't want to hurt me.
Hot tears raced down my cheek as I saw bellamy beg to let me go.
"Bell, I promise I would stay strong im keeping that promise, I will be okay..." I said making him stop fighting back.

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