Part six: I need you

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I woke up to a light zoom across the sky.
I must have fallen asleep outside.
There was only two or three people on watch everyone else was asleep.
I looked up once again at the stars.
I got up and went to the gate.
"Let me out" I looked up at miller who was glaring at me,
"Wow your still mad at me?!" I rolled my eyes and forced the gate open myself.
"Here I go" I whispered to myself as I got further and further away from camp.
Bellamys going to kill me if he finds out.
I must have been searching for hours because its starting to get light out and my feet are killing me.
I saw something in the distance well more like someone.
I quickly got behind a tree and peeked my head over.
"Bellamy?" I said out loud not meaning to.
Crap, now addilyn prepare yourself to get lectured.
He came running over to me before I could run off.
"I was looking for you!" He curled his fingers around my wrist.
"Okay and I was looking for a strange light I saw in the sky" I regretted what I said the moment it came out of my mouth.
"Go back to camp." He let go of me and shifted his weight to his other leg waiting for me to leave.
"No." I mimicked his movements.
"You could have gotten hurt out here or killed!" His eyes narrowed down at me.
"Yeah but I didn't im still here!" I lowered my voice.
"Addilyn I care about you im trying to protect you but you keep making it harder! Stop leaving by yourself!" His eyes filled with anger the more he talked.
"I never asked you to protect me! Im a big girl I can do it myself!" But the truth is, I can't, I need him I need bellamy.
"Well then prove it!" his eyes were now glossy, his lips turned into a frown and his anger turned into sadness.
"Im helping you look for what you saw then you can go back" he put on a brave face and looked down at me, its as if he put a mask over his sadness.
I heard a few branches break, me and bellamy immediately turned our heads in that direction, he pulled me behind him, I dont think he noticed.
"O?" Bellamy said relaxing a little.
"WHATS HE DOING HERE!" Bellamy tensed up the moment he saw linkin with octavia.
"Bell calm down hes my friend.." Octavia put her hands forward motioning for bellamy put put his gun down but he didn't.
"Bellamy put your gun down!" Its like he was blocking out all noises, his full attention was on linkin.
"Come on L lets get out of here" Octavia said grabbing his arm.
"Your not going anywhere!" Bellamy said putting his gun down.
"Watch me" she walked away with him. Bellamys fists tightened to his side.
"Bellamy we need to go" I walked forward making him follow.
He hasn't said a word since O left.
"Stop" He grabbed my side and pulled me back. There it was, another dropship from the arc. But smaller.
I moved from behind bellamy and ran towards it.
He was about to yell at me but closed his mouth remembering what I said.
"Omg help me!" I looked at bellamy who now had a smile on his face.
"I thought you were a big girl" the corners of his lips curled into another smile.
"Fine then stop" I pushed bellamy back as I opened the door.
A girl sat in the seat.
She managed to take off her helmet.
"Raven?" I said as her head turned towards me.
"Addy! Help me out first" she smiled as me and bellamy helped her out.
She sat down on a fallen tree.
"Whos the cutie?" She said loud enough for bellamy to hear. His smile turned into a smirk.
As for me my smile turned into a frown and I glared at her.
"Whoa calm down tiger! I will back off" she laughed.
"Oh dont worry shes a big girl she doesn't need me right?" He mimicked my words and stared down at me.
"Lets go" I said ignoring bellamy and I helped raven back.

"Finn!" She screamed running towards finn who was standing at the gate with clarke
Clarkes eyes narrowed and her eyebrows did to.
The moment finn and raven kissed clarkes facial expressions went from pissed off to straight up confusion.
"We need to hell her" clarke said looking at finn and whispered something.
Its been hours since me and bellamy talked. I searched around outside looking for him, im curious on what hes doing.
"Go talk to him!" Jasper said nudging me.
My eyes landed on bellamy. I scanned him up and down and miller to. Bellamy was smiling as miller laughed and talked to him.
Bellamy turned his head towards me. My heart raced and I looked away.
"Aw i know you like him" jasper said getting on my nerves.
"I dont like him okay!" I yelled getting up and walking out of camp leaving Jasper confused and by himself.
Once I made it to my favorite tree I sat down.
I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs then laid my head down.
I was trying to fight back so many tears.
"You okay.." a familiar voice spoke softly to me.
"What do you want bellamy" I said looking up at him. His eyes widened at my attitude.
"I wanted to tell-" before he finished I stood up.
"Bellamy, Im sorry what I said back there wasnt true I cant do it on my own I can't protect myself, I am not as tough as anyone thinks, I may show it but deep down Im just a scared little girl. Bellamy I need you, you make me feel safe... i dont know why I said what I did back there...please forgive me."
He stared down at me speechless his eyes filled with tears as mine fell down my cheeks.
I choked up a little trying to hold back the tears, but I couldn't. I started sobbing, he pulled me into a hug and I rested my head on him and just cried.
"Even if you didn't want me to protect you I was gonna do it anyways" he wrapped his arms around me tighter and kissed the top of my head.

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